When it comes to beer, it is interesting to find out why there are so many elements that appear to us only as insignificant details and instead have a fundamental importance.
In many cases beer consumers think that the aesthetic choices are related solely to the tastes of the producers but this is not the case. Everything is carefully chosen and is rarely only the result of something related to current fashion or savings.
Surely companies aim to optimize expenses but it is important know the reasons that push each time to obtain a very homogeneous element such as bottles.
Because the beer bottle has that precise detail
Looking through the shelves of bottles of beer you will surely notice an interesting similarity: they are all the same. Whether it’s big or small brands, 330ml or 1 liter bottles, the shape is the same and the color is the same. Some a little wider than others and a color that is brown or green. Have you ever wondered why this choice? Why is the water in transparent bottles, the wine too and not the beer?
In reality there is a precise reason that drives companies to adopt only these two colors, they are in fact able to protect the content. Even if they are repeatedly exposed to the sun, these bottles shield the sunrays and in no way can the content be damaged or altered which would be dangerous. In fact, UV rays go to damage the it’s a joke which are the hop molecules that give that bitter taste.

If there is a significant alteration beer can take on a truly horrible taste and smell of rotten eggs, so it should always be kept away from heat sources. It only takes 10 minutes in the sun for this effect, something no company can afford. Certainly retailers should be careful but it is known that this is not always possible and during the product delivery chain and then sales it is difficult to take everything into account and it can happen that the beers are exposed to the sun even if for a few minutes.
Precisely for this reason, given the ease with which they generate the smell and the unpleasant taste, are bomb-proof packaged. With this color the beer is always sheltered, even if it is improperly exposed to the sun before sale, nothing happens and the final product remains intact in taste and is perfectly safe for consumers.
2023-05-08 08:45:03
#looked #carefully #bottle #beer #drink #detail #didnt #Grantennis #Tuscany