A strange mystery in New York…
- If you’ve ever visited New York, you’ve definitely noticed those strange smoking pipes on the streets of New York. But where does this smoke come from? An urban legend says that this smoke comes from the sewers of New York. It makes no sense: the sewers have no reason to smoke like this or it would be a sign that a fire has broken out!
- The real explanation for this phenomenon, which still intrigues tourists, lies elsewhere: this smoke actually comes from the heating and air conditioning system used in the southern part of Manhattan, up to 96th Street on the Upper West Side and up to 89th Street on the Upper East Side.
System history
- New York uses an old water vapor heating and air conditioning system, commissioned in 1882. The principle is as follows: the electrical stations of the Con Edison company, the local EDF, produce steam and this is conveyed into the buildings via a network of pipes which passes under the roadway. The steam then makes it possible either to heat or to air-condition the building, or even to produce electricity.
- The steam produced is also used by hospitals for the sterilization of medical equipment and by certain museums to ensure sufficient humidification of exhibits in order to protect works of art.
Why is the smoke rising in the street?
- But why does this steam come out through these tubes? Con Edison explains that smoke can form when water seeps into a hole made by his operators for work. “Another source of smoke can come from leaks, especially at the level of the connection of two pipes”, explains Con Edison.
- Small orange and white chimneys are then installed temporarily to prevent passers-by from being burned by the water vapour. And if these small chimneys are high enough, it is so that the column of smoke is high enough not to obstruct visibility for drivers. Con Edison thinks of everything!
- One last thing: if you ever see steam coming out of the roadway or sidewalk, with no protection around it, don’t hesitate to call Con Edison at this toll-free number 1-800-752-6633 to report the leak.
A smoking street in New York on video
When she’s not preparing her guided tours of New York in French, Laurène also enjoys looking at these strange smoking streets. Here is a video she shot.