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Why are Snapchat Videos Playing Slow? Solution and Causes

Social networks have currently managed to have a great importance in society thus forming part of people’s daily lives and also being a resource used by many young people to transmit a message or simply share some daily activity.

The evolution of social networks has allowed them to even be used as a business resource that can be used to start a business or to publicize a new product.

The constant technological advances and the great demand of people have caused the constant development of new social network applications that are capable of attracting people’s attention, a clear example is the Tik Tok app, which is a social networking service that by having an account of it allows users to share short videos, in which entertainment or informative videos can be uploaded, and that you can download from any store.

Somewhat similar to the great App known as Vine, which at the time managed to be a total success in social networks, being also the beginning of great figures of social networks such as Lele PonsHowever, there is a social network application that in its beginnings was also very popular, due to its peculiar and attractive design and its integration of effects and filters when taking a photo, we are talking about Snapchat

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What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is an app that was initially created for messaging purposes offering the alternative of send image or video multimedia content, and also having filter functions and effects for augmented reality photos.

One of its most relevant characteristics is the fact of having ephemeral conversations, that is to say that they can be seen for a certain time, normally the chat can be seen for a period of 24 hours so that later it can be eliminated.

Over time, the company developed in its latest updates the option of being able to share videos or images of news, comedy, games or tips in a public way so that it can be seen by everyone.

It should be noted that Snapchat managed to enter between the most used social network apps in the world along with others such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp and Tik Tok, with 166 million active users in the application on a daily basis.

Nevertheless a very frequent problem Among the users who use this application is the fact of playing Snapchat videos slowly without explaining whether it is a matter of the device or the application’s own system.

snapchat for phone

Why are my Snapchat videos playing slow? Solution and causes

The problem of slow Snapchat videos can be a bit stressful after a while, due to the fact that the video has constant pauses or is play slowly, and the truth is that there is a large number of users who do not know the root of this problem so they usually restart the device or simply uninstall the application to find another alternative,

But worry no more, below we will show you the most common causes why Snapchat videos are slow:

  • Problems with the internet connection

This may be the most common problem in people regarding slow Snapchat videos, and it is due to slow Wi-Fi internet or insufficient megabytes on the device.

  • Lack of storage space on mobile

Another of the most common causes is the lack of space on the device which causes the applications to run inefficiently and run slower.

  • Excess background applications

Having various applications open and the low RAM capacity from the phone can also be a reason why Snapchat videos run slow.

How to solve this problem?

If you want to see and enjoy Snapchat content again without problems, then we will give you a series of recommendations:

  • Reboot your device
  • Delete Cache files
  • Enter the application options in device settings and select the option to force stop
  • Uninstall and reinstall the application again

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