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Why Are Rainbows Half Circles? Here’s the explanation


A rainbow can only be seen if you are between the sun and a drop of water. When you are in the middle of the two, you will see a rainbow that curves in an arc. Are detikers why shape Rainbow semi-circle?

A rainbow is a colorful arc or semi-circle phenomenon that can be seen when light from a distant source falls on a collection of water droplets. Therefore, rainbows can be seen when sunlight shines on raindrops, water sprays, waterfalls, and fog, as quoted from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Why Half Circle Rainbow

1. The sun is lower in the sky

Rainbows are most commonly seen when sunlight hits raindrops falling from distant rain clouds. Generally, rainbows are only in the morning or evening. When the sun is too far above the horizon or during the day, no rainbow is visible.

However, when the sun is lower in the sky, a portion of the rainbow arc becomes visible. In fact, if the sun is low enough and you are in a high enough place, then the rainbow can appear circular. This phenomenon can be seen when you are at the top of a mountain, on an airplane, and so on.

2. Refraction of reflected sunlight to raindrops

Rainbow semicircle is also caused by refraction, or bending, and reflection of sunlight entering the raindrops. Sunlight that appears white to our eyes is actually made up of all colors. Well, in a raindrop, the white light of the sun is separated into its constituent colors and reflected again towards the eye.

Therefore, we see the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. The red rays make an angle of about 42 degrees with the sun’s rays, while the other colored rays make successively smaller angles. Because of this, a semicircle rainbow shape with each color has a smaller arc inside.

The order of the colors of the rainbow was first discovered by Isaac Newton. He experimented with deciphering sunlight using a prism. This experiment was carried out by refracting white light on a glass prism, which resulted in the decomposition of white light into seven color components, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

Apparently, the color sequence is on Rainbow as we know it today can also be explained scientifically. Read more HERE.

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