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why are employees going on strike?

The rag is burning at APF France handicap, affected by an employee strike, on October 8, 2024, at the call of the unions, CGT and FO. Reason: the presentation of a social plan involving the elimination of 300 to 400 positions.

« We learned that we would reach Ségur the same day we were fired! » On The reason for this meeting? The announcement of a social plan within one of the largest associations in the field of disability in France, with the elimination of 300 to 400 positions. This return to balance plan (PRE), supposed to be presented on October 8, 2024, led the CGT and FO unions to organize an employee strike the same day.

Workforce reduction plan

« After decades of wandering and bad strategic choices, here we are: unfilled positions no longer make it possible to generate surpluses. Worse still, APF France handicap is in structural deficit », alerts the CGT APF in a press release published on October 3, 2024. At the origin of this crisis, according to it: the creation of shared management centers (CGM), supposed to optimize accounting services and which resulted in a failure.
The announcement of a workforce reduction plan, made by videoconference, did not soften the already tense climate with management.

Bad strategic choices?

Added to this, again according to the union, “ deplorable working conditions, generating suffering » and the poor management of the Digital Service Centers (CSN), with the purchase of information systems and various software « at a high price, giving the illusion that IT can solve all problems », denounces the CGT. To save money, APF France Handicap has already made staff reductions in Home Help and Support Services (SAAD) in several departments (59, 38, 66). Others would take the same path.

A national mobilization

“All rights of reproduction and representation reserved.© Handicap.fr. This article was written by Clotilde Costil, journalist Handicap.fr”

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