Home » Health » Why Are Cheetahs the Fastest Cats? Discover the Anatomy Behind Their Incredible Speed

Why Are Cheetahs the Fastest Cats? Discover the Anatomy Behind Their Incredible Speed

KOMPAS.com – Cheetahs are the fastest cats on the planet, they can move and accelerate quickly. However, do you know why cheetahs can move fast?

Cheetahs can move faster than other animals because of differences in body anatomy. Where the head, skeleton, and tail are different from other animals and specifically designed to run fast. Here is the explanation!

Cheetahs have an aerodynamic body because they can minimize friction with the air when running.

Where the cheetah has a small head, short muzzle, long legs, and a slender body.

Also read: 7 Fastest Animals in the World

Reporting from AskDr. Universe, the cheetah has a very flexible spine that allows it to move its hind legs very quickly.

The cheetah’s spine is like a flexible spring when the cheetang’s hind legs push against the ground to run.

The flexible spine is also supported by the unique hips. So that the cheetah can walk further than other cats.

Reporting from How Stuff Works, the cheetah’s leg swing range can reach 7.6 meters. This makes the cheetah longer in the air than on the ground when running.

The flexible and slender skeleton is covered by a unique and strong muscle tissue, which allows the cheetah to run very fast.

Also read: Why Are Cheetahs and Horses So Agile?

Cheetahs also have claws that cannot be pulled in like other cats.

When running, cheetah nails like serrations will maximize traction with the ground and make them not lose control when running at very high speeds.

The cheetah also has a light, long tail. Cheetah muscles function as a rudder and balance the cheetah’s body when running.

Also read: Muscle Contraction Mechanism

Cheetah ears also play a role in supporting the speed of his body.

Reporting from National Geographic, the shape of the cheetah’s inner ear allows them to maintain balance and keep their head still while running.

In addition to ears, cheetahs also have large nostrils and large lungs that support breathing when running.

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2023-07-15 11:00:00
#Cheetahs #Move #Fast #Kompas.com

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