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Why Apple, Xiaomi and Samsung cell phones are no longer included in the box charger?

Before Apple The new one was launched last October IPhone 12, Several technology analysts and specialized media have confirmed C’s commitmentupertino Yes Excludes charger and earphones In the boxes of their next phones, until then everything was rumored.

Then came the day, the October 13 Led team Tim Cook Announces that their new smartphones will no longer include charger boxes (The Adapter or ‘box’) And do not have your traditional hearing aids Ear pods; Because, more It is environmentally friendly, along with The box will be small And Spend less natural resources.

Many media and analysts have said that in fact, Cupertino wants the company Reduce production costs In addition, Apple said that those who use smartphones can Reuse adapters and hearing aids They had people from previous teams.

Following this green announcement, Apple’s rivals immediately reacted on social media; Technology brands such as Samsung and Xiaomi scoffed They said their equipment includes a charger.

The twists and turns of life …

Two months after Apple announced that iPhones will no longer have a charger in the box, Samsung and Xiaomi This step will be taken from 2021. The first brand announced phones next year Galaxy They no longer include a power adapter in the box.

Meanwhile, Lee Jun, Xiaomi’s CEO revealed this week on his personal Weibo account Wednesday 11 Yes Charger not included “In response to the call of technology and the protection of the environment”. Similarly, the director of a Chinese technology company sought customer support for these measures.

Do you think more ‘eco-friendly’ cell phone companies are joining this training?

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