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Why Animals Are Often Used as Symbols of Human Character?


Humans tend to imagine creatures and characteristics and then describe them using symbols animal. In various stories, there are several animals that are depicted as evil figures, there are also protagonist animals that represent good.

The tendency to depict characters using animal symbols, according to Professor at the LIPI-BRIN Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ir Ibnu Maryanto, is because humans will more easily accept examples through animals that have some biological similarities to humans.

“Animals are creatures that have hearts, while plants don’t. So, the easiest example of evil or goodness is through an example of the animal’s behavior,” he said during live Eureka! about Indonesian Mythological Creatures, Monday (21/3/2022).

Prof. Ibnu mentioned, the symbols animal some have a good connotation, some are bad, depending on how we interpret or describe it.

“For example, pigs are described as ugly to describe the greedy nature of humans. But we can also describe pigs as characters who walk straight and honest, because if a pig runs fast and straight, it cannot be deflected,” said Prof Ibnu giving an example.

The symbolic meaning in the form of habits and instincts in these animals is often adapted to the habits or characters in humans which are indeed different.

Animals that are often used as symbols of human character besides pigs include snakes, tigers, monkeys, deer, buffalo, birds, crocodiles, and others.

“That is why, to prevent bad human actions, as well as to set an example of goodness, through advice or advice it is easiest to accept is to give examples such as animal,” he concluded.

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