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why Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in the “Magnificent Century” was hated by the audience

The Magnificent Age ended back in 2014, but fans are still arguing about the events and actions of the characters shown in the series.

Most of the controversy, which is not surprising, is caused by the main character – the beautiful Roksolana, who in the harem received the Muslim name Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Some fans extol the first and only legal wife of the Sultan to the skies, others just as passionately hate. We understand the reasons why some viewers have not good feelings for Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.

Responsible for Mustafa’s death

According to the events shown in the series, Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska had a hand in the tragic death of Shehzade Mustafa. Since the young man was the firstborn of the Sultan, born of another woman, Haseki rightly feared that after the death of Suleiman, it was Mustafa who would ascend the throne. In addition, the heroine was well aware of the law of Fatih, or the law of fratricide, according to which the legitimate heir to the empire received the right to kill other applicants in order to avoid confusion. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was afraid that in the event of ascension to the throne, Mustafa would get rid of her sons and herself, so she plotted.

Whether the real Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was involved in the death of Shehzade Mustafa is not known for certain. However, the creators of the series presented their point of view on the circumstances of the death of the young man. Many viewers really disliked Haseki after her intrigues.

“Hürrem tried to kill Mustafa many times. She was the instigator. In addition, through her fault, Rumeisa, who was carrying Mustafa’s child, was killed … In fact, Hürrem shed the blood of the dynasty. First, ”the Internet users write in the discussions of the series.

Ugly acted with only girlfriend

Even on a ship sailing to the Ottoman Empire, Roksolana met another slave named Maria. The common misfortune brought the girls closer, they supported each other on the way to captivity, and then in the harem … until a man stood between them. Suleiman drew attention to the pretty Maria, who received the Muslim name Gulnihal, and invited her to dinner. The happiness of the young concubine knew no bounds, because absolutely everyone dreamed of the favor of the Sultan. It was only when Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska found out about the chance that Gulnihal had had that her friend quickly turned into a rival.

Fans of the series note that Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in this situation behaved unworthily – instead of solving the problem peacefully, she first beat the lover and then tried to poison her.

“Redhead and kindness are incompatible concepts,” fans said about the character of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.

The fact that Haseki acted meanly with Gulnihal was recognized even by the fans of the main character:

“The only act of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in the first episodes that I don’t approve of at all is the poisoned fur for Gulnihal,” one of the spectators of the “Magnificent Century” wrote on the social network.

Framed Rana

Rana Sultan, the concubine of sehzade Bayezid, was remembered by the audience as a victim of another intrigue of Hürrem. When Haseki’s son married Hurijihan, the modest and quiet girl did not interfere with their happiness, but devoted herself entirely to raising children. Unfortunately, Rana arrives in the capital at the very moment when shehzade’s lawful wife is being killed. Through the fault of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, suspicion falls on the girl, after a short trial she is killed, simulating suicide. This act of Haseka is called by many fans the most disgusting.

Here are just a few condemning comments about the main character from users outraged by her treachery:

“Hürrem acted very cruelly. She was so smart. If she could just think about it for a minute, everything would be different. ”

“The wound is very sorry. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska is impossible to understand. Not otherwise than she lost her mind in her old age.

“I can’t forgive Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska for killing Rana.”

Didn’t really love Suleiman

Finally, not all viewers of the series believed in the disinterested love of the red-haired concubine for Suleiman. According to many fans of the “Magnificent Century”, Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska only used the Sultan to achieve her own goals.

“She pisses me off. Suleiman loves only for power, otherwise she would not have tried to kill his son.

“I think that she loved power no less than the Sultan, or even more,” Internet users wrote sarcastically about Haseki’s “feelings” for her husband.

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