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Whole grains, an ally to reduce the risk of diabetes


  • The quality of carbohydrates changes their relationship to the body: good qualities they bring benefits, bad qualities they are harmful.
  • Whole grains contain good quality carbohydrates which decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Be careful with carbohydrates. Their overconsumption is associated “at higher risk for type 2 diabetes”Recalls Kim Braun, researcher at the Erasmus University Medical Center. The latter led a study, with other researchers from her university as well as with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, on carbohydrates to better understand their influence on diabetes. “We looked at whether this effect was different depending on whether good or poor quality carbohydrates were used, which include refined grains, sugary foods and potatoes”, She adds. The results will be presented at the Nutrition 2020 Live Online conference, a virtual conference organized by the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).

Carbohydrate quality changes everything

Researchers have found that replacing the calories from saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, animal and vegetable proteins with high-quality carbohydrates lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. analyzed data from participants who had participated in three previous studies including 69,949 nurses, 90,239 other nurses and 40,539 male health professionals.

These conclusions clearly show the influence that the quality of a carbohydrate has, from beneficial to harmful when it loses in quality. “These results underscore the importance of distinguishing good and low quality carbohydrates when considering the risk of diabetes, abounds Professor Braun. Carrying out similar studies in people from different socio-economic backgrounds, ages and ethnicities will show how these results can be applied to other groups.. ”

Whole grains, benefits for other diseases

These good quality carbohydrates are mainly found in whole grains. These are present in wholegrain rice but also in ingredients such as buckwheat (pancakes) or in wholegrain flour. When compared to other types of grains, those that are whole are richer in fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, folates, selenium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, whole grains are also associated with a reduced risk of certain heart diseases, certain cancers and other health disorders.

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