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Whoever took the pictures with me, swab

Holidays in Sardinia are costing dear to many characters launched from the universe of Men and Women. After the cases of Giulia Latini and Vittoria Deganello, the news arrives that too Andrea Melchiorre tested positive at coronavirus. The suitor who was the choice of Valentina Dallari broke the news to his fans just after the outcome of the swab, revealing that many people who have been in contact with him in recent weeks may have contracted the virus.

The announcement of the former suitor of Men and Women

Unlike the Deganello showing some mild symptoms like fever and fatigue, Melchior told the audience that he was already in good health, reassuring everyone: “I have been here in Sardinia since August 2nd and I am positive. The test has now arrived. I can’t contact all the people I’ve taken pictures with in these 20 days, I say it here: swab. I have no symptoms and will now be here another 15 days waiting for another tampon. Anyone who has been in contact with me go swab and stay away from people“.

Andrea Melchiorre will do the quarantine in Sardinia

Unlike many tourists who have undergone the swab once they return home, Melchior has chosen to do it first and wait for the result. He will also stay in Sardinia for the entire period of home isolation, but it will be a “golden” quarantine, on a beach all to himself.

The decision to stay in Sardinia was the right one. If I had taken the ferry I would have infected who knows how many people. Having said that, I had the first symptoms on the 19th. I immediately locked myself in the house and I heard the doctor. I have had the virus for 5-6 days already. I spent the 3-4 days of peak viral load and now I’m fine. I was farsighted and organized myself in a small apartment with a private descent to the beach. So I’ll do 15 days of quarantine on the beach by myself. I will reconcile my thoughts a little, you will keep me company.

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