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Who will take over the position in Marktheidenfeld?

In 1997 he gave his first sermon in Marktheidenfeld and his last sermon in early July 2021: Pastor Bernd Töpfer worked in the Evangelical Lutheran community of Marktheidenfeld for 24 years. In the summer he said goodbye to take up his new role as theological director of the Windsbach boys’ choir.

Since then there has been a gap in the Protestant community of Marktheidenfeld. And not just one thing: In addition to the first pastor’s post, the second, half-pastor’s post, which has been open since Pastor Allolio retired in 2019, is vacant. And half of the theological-pedagogical position on which Ute Töpfer worked was open again. An interim solution has already been found here: Daniela Hoffmann has been a vacancy representative since September. She takes over the work with the confirmands and the families.

Most of the remaining holes are currently being filled with staff from the Protestant community of Lohr. The Lohr pastor Michael Kelinske has taken over the management and the leadership of the church council in Marktheidenfeld, pastor Heinrich Spittler the building committee for the renovation of the rectory. Dean Till Roth holds funerals.

Retirees are currently helping out with church services

Especially retirees help out at the church services: Dean Michael Wehrwein and Pastor Dietrich Lauter. Pastor Marina Rauh from Höllrich takes care of baptisms and weddings. In addition, trained lay people such as lecturers and predicants also hold services. The Christusträger brothers from the Triefenstein Monastery also step in from time to time.

But why is the Lohr community helping out? When others are much closer? “That is because we are the closest parish in the deanery district,” explains Dean Roth. Adjacent communities, such as Michelrieth, belonged to the deanery of Aschaffenburg. Others to the Dean’s Office of Würzburg.

Vacancy time offers the chance that the new person will not be in direct comparison

“We already made the plans to cushion the vacancy time together with Pastor Töpfer in the summer,” says the dean. The additional burden in Lohr is already noticeable, but feasible. What maybe not everyone knows: Pastor Töpfer’s vacancy had to remain vacant for half a year. This is deliberately given, explains Birgit Abel, shop steward in the Marktheidenfeld community. “The point is: If someone has been in a parish for a long time, like Pastor Töpfer, then he leaves big footprints,” says Abel. A vacancy time offers the chance that the new person will not be in direct comparison and the community will reflect on itself again.

How does the community in Markheidenfeld deal with the vacancy? “Patient and understanding. Both on the board and in the community,” says Dean Roth. “The mourning is there, but a congregation also lives without a pastor,” says trust woman Abel. Corona is currently causing a lot more problems for community life with its restrictions, she says. Choir rehearsals would have to be stopped again, as well as the traditional church café.

Dean Roth: Marktheidenfeld has a lot of potential

The position is advertised for January 1st. There has already been an expression of interest, according to Dean Roth. Nevertheless, there is little chance that it will continue immediately. “The applicants are proposed by the regional church council,” explains Birgit Abel. The parish itself has already formulated wishes for the successor (s) on the deanery website: “We want someone who actively does pastoral care and also guides volunteers well,” explains the shop steward. A job sharing, for example by a pastor’s couple, is also possible.

In general, it is the case that potential candidates tend to want to go to metropolitan areas, according to Roth. “We are a rural area and are more on the edge.” That makes it more difficult. The dean would like to emphasize, however, that he considers the Marktheidenfeld position to be one of the most attractive: “Marktheidenfeld has a lot of potential: Not only the beautifully situated rectory, centrally located next to the church, in a city with a good infrastructure, but also a large community with many Volunteers who get involved, “says Roth.

Speaking of the rectory: after 24 years, this is shabby. What exactly will happen to it, whether it will be completely refurbished or perhaps even rebuilt, still has to be decided at the state level. That should happen in January or February. If a successor has already been found by then, an interim solution must be found. But they will only be looked for as soon as the new person is there.

The Evangelical Lutheran parish of Marktheidenfeld

The diaspora community has 2857 parishioners (as of March 2020). About 2000 of them live in the city. The remainder is spread over the towns of Lengfurt and Homburg, Erlenbach and Tiefenthal, Karbach and Zimmer, Marienbrunn, Hafenlohr and Windheim as well as Rothenfels and Bergrothenfels, including Einsiedel in the Hafenlohr valley.

Source: Ev. Marktheidenfeld community

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