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Who will sign the Green Deal? The blame-shifting continues, but there is only one truth

The Green Deal has recently become a hot potato being passed around by politicians. This is a set of political initiatives of the European Commission, the primary goal of which is to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. However, farmers believe that the solutions harm their interests. That’s why they have been protesting against the reform for several months. There is even a farmers’ demonstration in Warsaw on May 10 under the slogan “Down with the Green Deal”.

Watch the video Paulina Sobiesiak-Penszko: The Green Deal is to protect farmers from the effects of climate change

Green Order. Kaczyński and Tusk are shifting responsibility

Due to the negative connotations, both the government and the opposition want to blame the other party for adopting the provisions of the Green Deal. Mateusz Morawiecki’s colleagues even announced the presentation of a “white book” of decisions made in the European Union regarding the Green Deal. The document, prepared by Adam Bielan, was to contain votes in the European Parliament. Ultimately, it was presented by Jarosław Kaczyński during his Friday speech. And he mentioned MEPs who supported the Green Deal.

– This, I think, is the best proof that what Donald Tusk is doing at the moment is using the old method – a fleeing thief shouts “catch the thief”. The Green Deal is, among other things, a work of art Civic Platform, which got involved to pursue different interests and different ideologies. But these interests are not Polish, and these ideologies, although they also occur in Poland, are madness induced from other European countries to our country. It’s about this climate madness, he said.

Dzień wcześniej zupełnie inną narrację przedstawiał premier Donald Tusk. During his speech in the Sejm, he explained that “with extraordinary surprise he listened to the complaints against Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska that she was responsible for the Green Deal.” – If you want to effectively dismiss all those responsible for introducing the Green Deal, I appeal to those who spoke out, go to Nowogrodzka and take a vote of no confidence in them President KaczaÅ “ski, who sponsored the introduction of the Green Deal into European law,” said Donald Tusk. – Everything you thoughtlessly spoiled by signing the Green Deal. Mr. Morawiecki, Mr. Kaczyński, Mr. Wojciechowski, the entire PiS. This whole bunch of uneducated people, absolutely full of ignorance and a complete lack of knowledge about Polish agriculture, led to what we are facing today – the Prime Minister thundered from the podium.

Who signed the Green Deal? The answer is simple

Many people may already feel lost in these verbal quarrels. So who really decided to adopt the Green Deal? Well, it was Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki who in December 2019 accepted the European Green Deal at the summit of the European Council, and then in 2020, exactly a year later in December, he resigned from the second veto and accepted raising the emission limit to 55 percent by 2030. Interestingly, in 2021, Jarosław Kaczyński himself argued about the validity of accepting the EU’s goals. -We are no one’s slave, but we must accept certain realities. Rejecting the European Green Deal would mean putting yourself on the margins and causing other kinds of problems. This is a plan worth participating in, even at a certain price – he said in May on Polish Radio.

Even United Right politicians are aware of Mateusz Morawiecki’s “guilt”. -Â It was a huge mistake that harmed the right wing and Poland. This is the responsibility of Mateusz Morawiecki, not the entire community. The government did not agree to the Green Deal. This decision was made by Mateusz Morawiecki himself without the consent of the coalition partner – he said in mark w RMF FM Patryk Jaki, MEP of Sovereign Poland.

“Climate policy was created when PiS was in power”

PiS politicians are trying to get out of the above-mentioned declarations. Mateusz Morawiecki repeats that he “did not agree to the Green Deal in the form in which it is being pushed by the European Commission today”, and Jarosław Kaczyński argues that “all fundamental decisions regarding Green Deal were protested by PiS. However, the truth is not on their side, as some MEPs who were in Brussels when these changes were being debated remind us.

-The Green Deal has been confirmed by all European countries and I wanted to say it loudly. Those who today propose denying the Green Deal agreed to it themselves and de facto formed this order – said Jerzy Buzek, MEP and former prime minister during the European Economic Congress in Katowice. – New policy The climate change agreement was created when PiS was in power, and Poland, together with other countries, accepted its framework – he added.

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