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Who will have up to 177 euros less on their bills

From the first of July it became automatic and so all large families or people in a situation of economic poverty can have, directly on their own bills of electricity, water and gas, the discount obtained thanks to social bonus.

After six months of postponements (the entry into force of the new automatic social bonus was in fact already scheduled for last January), the passage of the Inps e Integrated information system (Give) is now completed and consequently, all those who – citizens / families – have presented one Single Substitute Declaration (Dsu) from last January 1st, if in possession of the required requisites, they will be automatically recognized as entitled to the bonus.

As established in a resolution Arera (Energy, Networks and Environment Regulatory Authority), in the first summary bill after June 30, 2021, the following must be reported: “Dear Customer, in the event that you are entitled to social bonuses for the supply of electricity, natural gas and water, the personal data transmitted with the DSU model for the definition of the ISEE and strictly functional to the automatic attribution of the aforementioned bonuses are processed by Arera in accordance with the indications contained in the Privacy Policy available at the link: https://www.arera.it/it/bonus_privacy. This communication is made for the benefit of all members of the family unit whose personal data are collected through the Dsu signed by the declarant”.

The requirements for having the social bonus

As for the electricity bill, the social bonus is aimed at:

  • families with ISEE not exceeding 8,265 euros
  • large families (with more than 3 dependent children) with ISEE not exceeding 20,000 euros
  • holders of Citizenship Income (Rdc) or Citizenship Pension (Pdc)

The conditions necessary to be entitled to the bonus gas on the other hand, due to economic hardship:

  • belong to a family unit with an ISEE indicator not exceeding 8,265 euros, or
  • belong to a family unit with at least 4 dependent children (large family) and an ISEE indicator not exceeding 20,000 euros, or
  • belong to a family unit holding a Citizenship Income or Citizenship Pension.

The water bonus (not to be confused with the new bonus – tax credit – provided for in the provision ofRevenue Agency of the past few days) which allows you to not pay a minimum quantity of water per person per year. This quantity has been set at 50 liters per day per person (18.25 cubic meters of water per year), corresponding to the satisfaction of essential needs – it has the same conditions necessary to be entitled to bonuses for economic hardship:

  • belong to a family unit with an ISEE indicator not exceeding 8,265 euros, or
  • belong to a family unit with at least 4 dependent children (large family) and an ISEE indicator not exceeding 20,000 euros
  • belong to a family unit holding a Citizenship Income or Citizenship Pension.

Logically, one of the family members reported in Isee who requests the discount must be the holder of an electricity and / or gas and / or water supply contract with a tariff for domestic and active uses, or use an active condominium gas and / or water supply

Each family unit is entitled to only one bonus per type – electricity, gas, water – per year of competence.

How much does it save

From each bonus it is logically possible to obtain savings directly in the various bills corresponding to the consumptions of the 12 months following the presentation of the DSU application.

Calculator in hand, by averaging the three, you can save:

  • For a family of 1-2 members around 128 euros
  • For a family of 3-4 members around 151 euros
  • For a family with more than 5 members around 177 euros

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