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Who will be the new ministers? Vivaldi seems fresh but un …

After 493 days of negotiation the Vivaldi parties have reached an agreement. Koen Geens (CD&V) already announced last week that he would fit for a ministerial post in the new government. Other trusted figureheads may soon also say goodbye. Vivaldi thus becomes a fresh, but inexperienced team.

At the time, a particularly inexperienced team came to the start with the Michel government. But what about Vivaldi, a coalition of seven parties that have barely any margin to pay tuition fees? To begin with, CD&V Deputy Prime Minister Koen Geens (62) announced last Friday that he no longer wants to be a minister. He thinks it is time to make way for younger and new faces, something that party chairman Joachim Coens (54) seemed to aim for. But the disappearance of Geens’s experience and knowledge is a serious loss for the federal government.

Sammy Mahdi |

Photo: Guy Puttemans

CD&V veteran Pieter De Crem (58) seems in turn already played, as a staunch opponent of Vivaldi. For their deputies, the CD&V traditionally looks at which provinces are already represented in the government. West Flanders, Limburg and Brussels are served by Hilde Crevits (53), Wouter Beke (46) and Benjamin Dalle (38) respectively in the Flemish government. Flemish Brabant therefore seems almost certain of a portfolio for Sammy Mahdi (32), the man who had to give up for Coens in the presidential elections and is a strong supporter of Vivaldi.

CD&V Antwerp also urgently needs some more visibility. The name of ex-minister Inge Vervotte (43) continues to circulate there. De Crem’s successor includes Vincent Van Peteghem (40), mayor of De Pinte, member of parliament and the man who made the critical evaluation of the party after the elections. And what is the party doing with West Flemish minister Nathalie Muylle (51)?

The Liberal Woman

Open VLD puts forward the man with the most experience: Alexander De Croo (45). He has been Deputy Prime Minister since 2012 and has a good chance of becoming Prime Minister. Minister of Health Maggie De Block (58) has already made it appear a few times that her time is up and Philippe De Backer (42) announced his retirement earlier.

If De Croo becomes prime minister, he wants more women in his government. Within his party are the names of Gwendolyn Rutten and Goedele Liekens

According to The time the liberals necessarily want as many men as women in government. To give the example, they have to look for a wife besides De Croo. The name of former chairwoman Gwendolyn Rutten (45) is mentioned, as is that of Member of Parliament Goedele Liekens (57). In addition, party leader and ex-minister Vincent Van Quickenborne (47) has a good chance of becoming deputy prime minister. He pushed Egbert Lachaert (43) to the chairmanship and may be rewarded for that.

New green and red cast

Who will be the new ministers?  Vivaldi seems to be a fresh but inexperienced team
Kristof Calvo is eager.

Photo: pn

Being a minister will be a great adventure for Groen. None of the leaders has government experience yet. Party leader Kristof Calvo (33) is eager to become a minister. In addition, Member of the European Parliament Petra De Sutter (57), chairwoman Meyrem Almaci (44) and Tinne Van der Straeten (42) from Brussels are mentioned. Greens also need to give careful consideration to their casting. Their future partly depends on the impression their ministers will leave. The same applies to their French-speaking sister party Ecolo, although it already co-rules in Wallonia.

For the socialists, the battle between the strong West Flemish government figureheads Johan Vande Lanotte (65) and John Crombez (47) has been in the past for some time. Chairman Conner Rousseau (28) also wants to innovate in the distribution of ministerial posts. The name of Leuven’s mayor Mohamed Ridouani (41) was mentioned a few times, just like that of the Antwerp alderman Jinnih Beels (43).

Who will be the new ministers?  Vivaldi seems to be a fresh but inexperienced team
Mohamed Ridouani.

Photo: bdw

Walloon experience?

Like the SP.A, after years of federal opposition, the PS also has to look for the right faces for the Vivaldi project. The French-speaking side The evening skewed Friday that the PS is aiming for the departments of Social Affairs, Pensions and Finance. Numerous names are mentioned, from veterans such as Laurette Onkelinx (62) and Rudi Demotte (57), to newer faces such as Pierre-Yves Dermagne (40) and Frédéric Daerden (50). Before the PS carousel starts to turn, the party must know whether chairman Paul Magnette (49) will soon be prime minister.

The ruling party MR has so many ministers that it is difficult to send someone without experience to the government. Current Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès (45), Deputy Prime Minister David Clarinval (44) and Foreign Minister Philippe Goffin (53) in particular have a chance of an extended stay in the government.

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