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WHO warns of second wave of coronavirus pandemic

MOSCOW, May 20 – RIA News. The first wave of a pandemic around the world may be followed by a second, said the representative of the World Health Organization in Russia Melita Vujnovich on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24“–

She warned countries against rash quarantine mitigation.

“It is very important that the whole population understands that the danger has not passed, the risk has not passed,” the organization’s representative said.

AT WHO they understand that being in quarantine is not easy, but getting the situation out of control would increase mortality, she added.–

Vuynovich also noted earlier that Russia has taken the whole range of measures to contain a pandemic within the country and a strong epidemiological service managed to take the necessary steps in a timely manner.

According to the World Health Organization, 4.8 million people have become infected with the coronavirus in the world, over 317 thousand have died. In Russia, 309 thousand cases of COVID-19 were detected, almost three thousand people died, more than 85 thousand recovered.

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