Home » today » News » WHO warning: 9,000 patients to be transferred for treatment outside Gaza – 2024-04-01 08:43:39

WHO warning: 9,000 patients to be transferred for treatment outside Gaza – 2024-04-01 08:43:39

About 9,000 patients from Gaza Strip must be transferred there urgently for treatment as there are only 10 hospitals left in the Palestinian territory which are operating at a bare minimum, the head of WHERE.

“With only 10 hospitals functioning as a minimum across #Gaza, thousands of patients continue to lack healthcare,” warned World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

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Before the war, Gaza had 36 hospitals, according to WHO figures.

“Approximately 9,000 patients need to be urgently flown abroad for vital health services, including treatment for cancer, shelling injuries, dialysis and other chronic illnesses,” he said.

This number is 1,000 higher than the latest WHO census in early March.

Tedros said that so far “more than 3,400 patients have been referred abroad through Rafa, including 2,198 injured and 1,215 chronically ill.” “But many others must be removed. We urge Israel to expedite approvals for removals so that critically ill patients can be treated. Every moment counts”, he said.

Before the war began on October 7, 50 to 100 patients a day were being referred from Gaza to East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Half of them were being treated for cancer.

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