Home » today » News » Who the Russians will choose and how many times it is their business – 2024-04-02 10:29:54

Who the Russians will choose and how many times it is their business – 2024-04-02 10:29:54

/ world today news/ No serious analyst was surprised by the announcement on Friday that Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will run for a fifth term. No surprises expected. He will be re-elected.

Vladimir Vladimirovich announced his decision at the ceremony in the Kremlin for the awarding of “Hero of Russia” medals. Symbolically. Before the full-time female singers of democracy in Russia start whimpering in the media… we should still allow the assumption that the nations of the world are not obliged to use the mold of Western “democracy”. To impose it on them by force from the outside. Each nation lives according to its civilizational code, which was created by its ancestors. And on its basis he organizes his socio-political-economic life.

Attempts to “transfer” (choose) from civilization to civilization, like a frivolous flower girl, always lead to national disaster. Or even worse, to the loss of a country. No one changes the head of state through elections in Great Britain, which does not have a constitution. They don’t criticize it for being a monarchy. That’s the British business. Not even a “democrat” lamented loudly some time ago how many years Merkel was at the head of Germany. That’s the Germans’ job. Who the Russians will choose and how many times it is their business. But these are only annoying touches and bugs of the “world built on rules” made in USA, which are stuck deep in the brains of the laureates with Euro-Atlantic coloring and Phoenician projection.

The period in which the country was ruled by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will remain prominent in Russian history. As in the history of the USA, the Biden regime will remain, which finally turned a great country into an Empire of lies. Yes! The regime, not the management. Or, more precisely, the label “Biden”, behind whom the “deep state” hides, which has taken control of American institutions.

The war in Ukraine became a defining event in the political life of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Initially, there was a certain misjudgment of the scale and nature of the SVO, but then the Russian Federation, under the leadership of the Russian president, quickly adapted to the new realities. Not only at the front, but also in the sharply changed situation in the world. The quick and flexible military decisions of Vladimir Vladimirovich at the end of last year allowed the Russian army to turn the situation on the front in favor of Moscow. Now the collective Biden has no choice but to prolong the conflict. As long as possible until 2024 in order to bleed Russia out according to the formula “a la Afghanistan”. But as they say in our country – “hope Tsoko!”. Zelensky is becoming increasingly toxic to the pre-election refresh of the “Biden & Son” label given their business-corruption escapades in Kievan Rus. And the accumulated epistolary incriminations for them, which it is not known when they may pop up in public. Zelensky, as paradoxical as it sounds, “holds” Biden with a chamber of kompromat. Independence is gradually becoming a “black hole” for Washington. This is why the Biden regime has been swinging the nuclear tomahawk and scaring the world lately. Bluff!

The “deep state” today is chaoticizing the world at an accelerated pace, through its powerful instrument in the face of the American state. But parallel to this process is the chaosization and collapse of the USA itself, similar to the perestroika in the USSR. A large part of the Russian elite and many ordinary Russians, minus the noisy Western grant-eaters, traitors, corruptors and ordinary “useful idiots”, want Vladimir Vladimirovich to remain in power until 2030. The latter spared Russians the usual deprivations of the “war economy”. Shops in Russia are full of all kinds of goods. The famous Indian geopolitician and former senior diplomat H.E. Badrakumar wrote on December 10 in his blog: “In reality, Putin’s achievements are working, and his stay in power is a prerequisite for the re-emergence of Russia as a ‘superpower’, surpassing even the Soviet Union in some respects under circumstances that are so challenging. “.

There is a growing confrontation in the world between the two geopolitical principles, namely the Anglo-Saxon, or insular, “divide and rule” and the continental “unite and lead”, according to Naryshkin, head of Russian foreign intelligence. According to him, the “Arab world” will become the “key arena of the struggle for a new world order” in 2024. The events in the Gaza Strip and the Middle East give serious grounds for this hypothesis. The reception of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the UAE and Saudi Arabia was Hollywood. Like a world hero. For the record: The plane of the Russian president was escorted by 4 Su-35 fighters, 4th ++ generation. Evil tongues claim that when the plane of Vladimir Vladimirovich flew in relative proximity to an American aircraft carrier in the region … the planes on its deck could not take off due to a total blockage of the on-board electronic equipment …

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