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Who should have a Covid-19 patient’s first aid kit? – Health, beauty

Much of Covid-19 is mild and at home. However, even at home, to help the body cope with the virus, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and provide you with the necessary medications and medical devices. Zane Zitmane, an expert attracted by BENU Aptieka and Zanda Ozoliņa, pharmacist at BENU Aptieka, tells about who should be in the Covid-19 patient’s home first aid kit.

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Slightly less common are loss of smell and taste, nasal congestion, neck and muscle pain, headache, loose stomach and vomiting. More serious symptoms and a severe course of the disease are indicated by pain or tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, dyspnea, bluish or grayish tinge on the lips, nails, confusion, drowsiness, inability to get up and talk, says Z. Zitmane.

Contents of the home first aid kit

Treatment with Covid-19 at home basically requires medicines to reduce the temperature and relieve the pain, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Paracetamol can be taken every 4 to 6 hours at 500-1000 mg, but should not exceed 3 g per day. Children can receive paracetamol 15 mg / kg up to a maximum of 60 mg / kg / day. Ibuprofen can be used every 4 to 6 hours in doses of 200-400 mg up to a maximum of 1200 mg daily. The dose of ibuprofen for children is 4-10 mg / kg, the maximum daily dose is 40 mg / kg, explains Z. Zitmane. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine.

If the nose is blocked, medicines containing pseudoephedrine (caution should be used in patients with arterial hypertension) and naphthizine can be used. These preparations reduce the swelling in the nasal cavity. In case of a cough attack, the patient can take 1 teaspoon of honey with a warm drink. If your cough is dry and painful, your doctor may prescribe medication.

Also, the medicine cabinet must contain vitamin D, which should be used not only in case of Covid-19, but also on a daily basis. Z. Zitmane points out that studies have also revealed that adequate vitamin D levels correlate with a milder course of Covid-19.

Pulse oximetry

The device that measures oxygen saturation in the blood and pulse rate per minute is called a pulse oximeter. It helps to assess the course and severity of the disease. Decreased blood oxygen levels (<94%) and increased tachycardia (fast heart beat) may indicate a negative course of the disease and the need for hospitalization.

When using a pulse oximeter, it is important that the finger is properly positioned in the device, that the fingernail should not be covered with nail polish, and that the fingernails should not be too long, and that it should not be used on swollen or very soft skin. It should be noted that excessive ambient light, cold or thin fingers may affect the accuracy of the indicators. It is also not recommended to hold the device on one finger for more than 2 hours. Also read the instructions for use before using the pulse oximeter.

Nutrition and fluid intake

Z. Zitmane emphasizes that it is important for the patient to take an adequate amount of fluid – 2 to 3 liters per day. It should be noted that in case of elevated temperature there may be additional fluid loss. The specialist urges not to get too addicted to caffeinated and sugary drinks. Of the herbal teas, chamomile, mint, ginger, lemon and echinacea teas can be used. These plants have an antibacterial effect, they reduce inflammation, and can improve the body’s ability to resist the virus. However, herbal teas should definitely not be relied upon to treat Covid-19. They can be an additional means of improving the body’s ability to resist viruses, and a good way to absorb fluids.

Appetite is often reduced during illness, so it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet not only during the illness, but also on a daily basis. A balanced diet improves the immune system, reduces the development of chronic and infectious diseases, as well as enhances the body’s ability to fight the virus. It is also important to drink enough water (8-10 glasses of water a day), avoid products that contain a lot of sugar, and do not eat salty and fatty foods. BENU Pharmacies pharmacist Zanda Ozolina adds that the menu must be different to include all the necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins and antioxidants. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, as well as animal products – eggs, dairy products, meat and fish – should be taken on a daily basis. Fruits and vegetables should preferably be eaten fresh. It is recommended to use white meat and fish with a lower fat content. Specialists invite you to choose products that contain unsaturated fatty acids – avocados, nuts, fish, as well as olive oil and corn oil. It is recommended to avoid products that contain saturated fatty acids, such as margarine, biscuits, snacks, frozen semi-finished products and fast food products. Instead of snacks, it is better to choose fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not take more than 5 g of salt per day. The immune system also needs zinc, iron and vitamins A, B12, C, D, E.

How to deal with anxiety?

Doctor Z. Zitmane points out that anxiety in such circumstances is a completely understandable and normal phenomenon, however, it should definitely be told to the doctor. In case of severe anxiety, your doctor will prescribe medication to reduce your anxiety. At home, the patient can perform breathing exercises, such as deeper exhalation than inhalation. During illness at home, it is recommended to focus on things that the patient is able to control, such as focusing on their breathing. Peer support is also important, and the patient can share their experiences with friends and relatives by phone. The specialist also explains that during a pandemic, people’s anxiety generally increases, so it would be advisable to take the opportunity to consult a psychotherapist.

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