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Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo when giving information to journalists through the online system, Tuesday (2/6/2020). Central Java Provincial Public Relations

SEMARANG, JOGLOSEMARNEWS.COM – Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo denies mentioning Solo City as the black zone of the corona virus disease in 2019 (covid-19). In fact, according to Governor Ganjar, the mention has no basis.

“Who is talking about who? The black zone is Ki Jarene Sopo anyway? (Who said the black zone?) Many kog say black, maybe black is your shirt, “said Ganjar when confirmed by reporters on Tuesday (07/14/2020).

Ganjar assessed that the mention of the black zone was deliberately conveyed by people who did not like Solo City. “Maybe an observer or hate it again ?,” said Ganjar.

Ganjar also emphasized that the current surge in co-19 cases in Solo City did not necessarily make Solo categorized as a black zone of the spread of covid-19.

“We have controlled from Moewardi and UNS we have done 3T. How many still say the black zone? ” he continued.

Mayor Rudy Legowo
The Mayor of Solo, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, assessed that the “determination” of the Solo 19 black zone was not excessive. He claimed to be “legowo”. According to him, it was expected to be able to provide shock therapy to Solo residents to be more vigilant.

According to Rudy, the consideration of the Chief Executive of the Covid-19 Solo Task Force for Acceleration of Handling Solo in naming Solo to be in the black zone was appropriate because the surge in Corona positive patients in one day increased by 18 people which was quite surprising.

“Yesterday was surprised too. Previously at most one or two people added, yesterday 18 people at once in one day. Yes it’s okay, Solo black zone. Let the public be more vigilant, “he said, Monday (07/13/2020).

However, Rudy admitted that the city of Solo as a whole has not been included in that category. Because the number of Corona positive patients is not up to 60 percent of the total population of Solo.

“Yes no, it’s still far from the criteria. The black zone is if the number of positive patients is 60 percent or more than the total population, “he stressed.

As an anticipation step, Solo City Government is increasingly aggressively carrying out control and implementing health protocols that are more stringent than before. This includes banning children under the age of 15 from entering the crowd.

“Like the south square, it has been totally closed. Anyway, later the curbing will be done more intensively. Including for cyclists who are still ignorant. Until they have to continue to disperse them because they are always swarming and not wearing masks.

Traditional market traders too. We will continue to curb and enforce the use of masks, “he said. Satria Utama

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