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WHO recommends wearing medical masks only for patients with coronavirus and doctors

World Health Organization (WHO) spokesman Tarik Yazarevich said “RIA News”that against the background of the outbreak of the new coronavirus COVID-19, medical masks should be worn only by sick people and doctors. Rospotrebnadzor previously said that it is necessary to wear a medical mask for prevention. Since mid-January, a sharp increase in sales of masks has been recorded in Russia, as a result of which a deficit has formed and prices have risen.

According to a WHO representative, medical masks can even harm healthy people. As Mr. Yazarevich explained, it has not been proven that wearing a mask will help healthy people not get infected. In addition, this creates a false sense of security, which can lead to the neglect of other precautions – such as hand disinfection with alcohol-containing gels and liquids. Those who need to wear a mask are advised by the WHO to study the rules for its use: how to wear it and how much time, how to dispose of it. WHO also does not recommend the use of fabric masks made of cotton or gauze, said Tarik Yazarevich.

“WHO recommends the use of masks for people with respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, as well as those who need the help of a doctor. People who provide care for those with respiratory symptoms. As well as medical workers, when they enter the ward to the patients, or treat those with respiratory symptoms, ”he explained.

Recall that a new type of coronavirus was detected in China in December 2019. For two months, more than 85 thousand people fell ill all over the world, died – more than 2.9 thousand. Cases of the disease were recorded in 55 countries. WHO has reported that the first Chinese coronavirus vaccine may appear in a year and a half.

Read more about the fight against the spread of the virus in the world – in the article “b” Coronavirus declared jihad.

On the decline in American and Asian exchanges – in the publication “b” “Markets covered coronaminus.”

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