Videos provided by the video platform of the “Austria Press Agency” (APA).
Third-party provider through which live blogs of the “Austria Presse Agentur” (APA) are embedded.
Live tickers, data centers and graphics on sporting events or elections provided by the “Austria Press Agency” (APA).
Live tickers, data centers and graphics on sporting events or elections provided by the “Deutsche Presse Agentur” (DPA).
Various widgets, such as sliders with editorial content, which are integrated into our website by the third-party provider “Elfsight”.
Facebook posts embedded on our site.
Videos provided by the video platform “Glomex”.
Article recommendations and article links that are editorially created and inserted into articles via the third-party provider “iFramely”.
Infographics and presentations on various topics created via the third-party provider “Infogram”.
Posts from Instagram embedded on this website.
Third-party provider through which live blogs from our own editorial team are embedded.
Article recommendations based on the content of the article in which they are embedded and provided by the third-party provider “Outbrain”.
Podcasts provided by the third-party provider “Podigee”.
Survey tool provided by the third-party provider “Pinpoll” and whose contents are controlled by our editorial team.
Infographics, such as timeline representations.
Live ticker and data center for sporting events, mostly related to Vorarlberg and the “Ländlekicker”.
Posts (tweets) from Twitter that are embedded on this website.
Video recommendations provided by third-party provider Video Intelligence.
Videos provided by the video platform “Vimeo”.
Videos provided by the video platform “YouTube”.
Brightcove Videos.
Other editorial content provided by third parties.