Home » today » News » “Who is the top governor of Gangwon-do?” OR “Why was I chosen over Kim Jin-tae by Kwon Seong-dong?”

“Who is the top governor of Gangwon-do?” OR “Why was I chosen over Kim Jin-tae by Kwon Seong-dong?”

Gangwon-do Governor Kim Jin-tae (right) and People’s Power Rep. Kwon Seong-dong shake hands at the ‘Experts National Assembly Forum for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act’ held at the auditorium of the National Assembly Library in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 10th. yunhap news

Gangwon-do Governor Kim Jin-tae, a member of People’s Power, where controversy arose over going to the golf driving range in the midst of Gangwon-do forest fire evolution, said at a forum held at the National Assembly on the 10th, “Please just leave it alone.” As reports continued to criticize ‘Forest Golf’, it seems that he expressed his uncomfortable feelings. Rep. Kwon Seong-dong, whose constituency is Gangneung, Gangwon-do, who gave a congratulatory speech after Governor Kim, said, “(The media host of the forum) always knows that the governor of Gangwon-do is the best. He also showed his ‘presence’ by saying, “Don’t neglect the members of the National Assembly.” Governor Kim gave a congratulatory speech at the ‘National Assembly Forum of Experts for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act’ held at the National Assembly Library that day. He said, “I don’t even know how Yeouido politics is going,” and “Leave this Kim Jin-tae alone for a while.” He added, “I’m glad I did something wrong, but I ask you to take this opportunity to only report truthfully.” On the 9th, Governor Kim announced that he would take legal action against the (KBS) report that he had been drinking and practicing golf at the time the fire was being extinguished, calling it “malicious false reporting.” Governor Kim left early on the afternoon of the 31st of last month, when forest fire extinguishing work was in progress in Hongcheon, Gangwon Province, and practiced golf for about 20 minutes at a golf driving range in Chuncheon, and was criticized. When the controversy arose, Governor Kim apologized, saying, “It was an inappropriate action.”

YouTube channel capture” alt=”On the afternoon of the 10th, Rep. Kwon Seong-dong delivers a congratulatory speech at the ‘Experts National Assembly Forum for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act’ held at the auditorium of the National Assembly Library in Yeouido, Seoul. YouTube channel capture” />

On the afternoon of the 10th, Rep. Kwon Seong-dong delivers a congratulatory speech at the ‘Experts National Assembly Forum for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act’ held at the auditorium of the National Assembly Library in Yeouido, Seoul. YouTube channel capture

When Governor Kim showed an uncomfortable feeling about the recent controversy towards him, Rep. Kwon, who gave a congratulatory speech in the back order, also showed an uncomfortable feeling from another side. Rep. Kwon said, “I start by saying a word I hate to the media in Gangwon-do. During the event in Seoul, they invite members of the National Assembly and treat them too disrespectfully,” making the audience nervous. Gangwon-do, the Gangwon-do Council of National Assembly members, and the Gangwon Ilbo were the organizers of the forum that day, and Kwon said, “Look here to see how the hosting is going. (Gangwon) Governor and (Gangwon Ilbo) President, greetings first…The head of the Gangwon-do (National Assembly member) council is either removed from the congratulatory speech or from the organizer. He made a ‘surprising declaration’, saying, “I will not attend events hosted by this media company from the Gangwon (members of the National Assembly) Council.” Rep. Kwon is the chairman of the Gangwon-do Council of National Assembly Members, and it seems that he expressed displeasure at the order of congratulatory speeches behind Governor Kim.

On the afternoon of the 10th, participants shout slogans and take commemorative photos at the Expert National Assembly Forum for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act held at the auditorium of the National Assembly Library in Yeouido, Seoul.  From right, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong, Kangwon Ilbo president Park Jin-oh, Gangwon-do governor Kim Jin-tae, People's Power floor leader Yoon Jae-ok, Kwon Seong-dong, and Lee Cheol-gyu.  yunhap news

On the afternoon of the 10th, participants shout slogans and take commemorative photos at the Expert National Assembly Forum for Support for Revision of the Gangwon Special Act held at the auditorium of the National Assembly Library in Yeouido, Seoul. From right, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong, Kangwon Ilbo president Park Jin-oh, Gangwon-do governor Kim Jin-tae, People’s Power floor leader Yoon Jae-ok, Kwon Seong-dong, and Lee Cheol-gyu. yunhap news

Rep. Kwon’s sadness at the media in Gangwon-do didn’t seem to come out of nowhere. He said, “I went to (Gangwon) Domin Ilbo, and the head of the Gangwon-do Council went, but he didn’t give a congratulatory speech and ordered a toast. Since then, I have not attended events hosted by the Domin Ilbo.” Gangwon Ilbo needs to correct this part. I give you advice.” Meanwhile, Governor Kim and Rep. Kwon rushed to the scene of the forest fire that occurred in Gangneung, Gangwon-do on the 11th, checked the damage situation, and concentrated on extinguishing the forest fire. On the same day, Governor Kim held an emergency briefing at the Gyeongpo 119 Safety Center in Gangneung City, Gangwon Province, and said, “We are focusing all our manpower and equipment on the southern and eastern fire lines to prevent further expansion.” Rep. Kwon also said, “I will personally visit the residents who have been evacuated and do my best to provide all necessary support.”

At an emergency briefing held at the Gyeongpo 119 Safety Center on the 11th when a wildfire broke out in Gangneung, Gangwon, Governor Kim Jin-tae explains the damage situation and the plan to extinguish the fire.  yunhap news

At an emergency briefing held at the Gyeongpo 119 Safety Center on the 11th when a wildfire broke out in Gangneung, Gangwon, Governor Kim Jin-tae explains the damage situation and the plan to extinguish the fire. yunhap news

Reporter Seungjun Lee [email protected]

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