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Who is the “Band of the enemies of Romania”

The website of the Romanian TV, owned by the fugitive Sebastian Ghiță, published a text on Tuesday entitled: “Romania’s enemies in the media! Who are the toxic people in the media who are doing all they can to make Romania a second-rate EU country? How did they try to dynamize the country’s # 1 goal – Accession to the Schengen area! “ signed by Filip Stan.

The employee of Ghiță includes me in the “gang of enemies of Romania” for the reasons I questioned, in a text published on 14 Septemberthe fact that the current power deserves such a big prize from Brussels, like joining the Schengen area, and I have long explained the risks of a politically negotiated decision.

“Romania’s band of enemies in the media works and is heavily sponsored by an area that does not want the borders of Europe to be completely open to Romania”, also writes the man from Ghiță. The “gang” also includes Tsarists Ioana Ene Dogioiu and Magda Grădinaru of Spotmedia.ro, but also the boss of Ziare.com, Andrei Siminel, with whom the Ghiță station has a cause.

From my point of view, if we have yet to speak in these terms, the “band of enemies of Romania” must be sought elsewhere. The author could also start with his patron, the fugitive Sebastian Ghiță, whose broadcaster is assiduously touting an extremist party with an anti-Western, anti-NATO and anti-EU discourse that perfectly serves Russia’s interests in the region. Only an enemy of Romania could do such a thing in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Romania’s enemies are the ones who made the BMW deal possible, the plagiarism, the safety laws that give more power to the SRI, the fashion models and the party sinecures put in place of energy specialists as the bills went up in air. You can find their accomplices in the official, party and state media.

This is where most of the websites and TV stations bought with heavy money from PSD and NLP, including Romania TV, qualify, in silence, to look for green horses or to embarrass the few journalists who still do their honesty. working profession.

When you remain silent when you see how your country is being robbed by an army of impostors, mediocrities and security guards who have filled state institutions, is it called that you are a great patriot? G4Media.ro does not take money from parties or from the government, but tries to promote the public interest, in increasingly difficult conditions.

Romania’s enemies, the biggest opponents of Romania’s entry into Schengen, are the PNL, PSD and UDMR parliamentarians who mutilated the whistleblower integrity law on the very day that the first vice president of the European Commission was in Bucharest, although this law is a political act and a condition for the revocation of the cooperation and verification mechanism and, implicitly, the accession to Schengen.

They too, the real culprits of a possible failure to join Schengen or the revocation of the MCV, claim to fix the laws of justice, but have maintained all levers of control over the system. Almost everyone who governs Romania today shows great vulnerability and has no interest in leaving behind, when they leave power, a strong DNA or a truly independent judiciary.

The real “gangs of enemies” have colonized key institutions with armies of policemen, relatives, lovers and graduates of Spiru Haret. It is a miracle that the central and local government is still functioning and does not collapse due to its own incompetence.

The gang of enemies of Romania is made up of those who have stolen public money, the big corrupt in business, politics or the press, those who have condemned Romania to underdevelopment and have kept it for years, lying and manipulating, at the tail of Europe. Because of them, for example, Romanian customs today are very corrupt. Nădlac 2 Customs’ revenues exploded after the DNA investigation at PSD Arad and CNAIR’s revenues increased by 3200% in 2021, as he recently wrote Economedia.ro

In the Black Sea, out of 7 radars, only 3 work and those from time to time, so packages with drugs, sometimes a whole ton of cocaine or heroin, periodically fail on Romanian beaches, a sign that Romania has long since become a means of transport route to Europe. At the eastern border, smuggled planes loaded with packets of cigarettes enter and leave the country unharmed, without the Romanian radar detecting them.

Perhaps customs at airports will be a bit safer and Romania will respect the conditions of Schengen membership in this segment.

Europe should at least ignore making Romania the last frontier of the EU in the east of the continent, transforming a country with irresponsible politicians and corrupt customs officials, where organized crime thrives, into the guardian of civilized Europe. As I said in the previous text, ordinary Romanians certainly deserve, after 15 years of EU membership, to escape the humiliation of waiting in customs queues before entering the territory of other EU Member States. Of course, Romanian transport companies don’t deserve to waste money waiting for hours and days at customs on the border with Hungary on their way west.

But they too, ordinary citizens, must know that a possible failure of Romania’s entry into Schengen will not be due to the four journalists of different news sites. It is not our fault that President Iohannis and Prime Minister Ciucă will miss the opportunity to brag about having put Romania in the selected club called Schengen if this time Brussels says no. They, the leaders, have not done their job.

Romania’s great enemies have kept its citizens at the door of civilized Europe for over 30 years. They are the ones who walk all day with their homeland and the Romanian nation in their mouths, but have never lifted a finger for the emancipation of their country. The author of the article published by Romania TV could ask the boss about him, if he continues to give the stage to patriots and operetta extremists, why doesn’t he come home? Why has he been out of the EU, in Serbia, for almost six years?

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