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Who is Tamberi’s father: the high jump, the Moscow Olympics, the advice and the argument

“Not having a relationship with my father is the biggest failure of my life.” Interviewed by Francesca Fagnani at Belve, Gianmarco Tamberi he returned to the great black hole of his life, the relationship with his father Marco, with whom Gimbo has not spoken for more than two years: the break between them came after the Olympic gold in Tokyo in 2021, following the many arguments they had undermined their private and professional relationship.

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Tamberi “opens” to Los Angeles 2028: “I have done the calculations on the chances of winning the Olympics”

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Who is Marco Tamberi

Marco Tamberi was born in Ancona on 30 July 1958. He was also an athlete specializing in the high jump, but his career (his personal best is 2.28) was interrupted at the age of 27 due to a serious road accident: in 1984 he was hit by a truck which severed his Achilles tendon. Twice national indoor record holder, he was a finalist at the 1980 Moscow Olympics, where he achieved 15th place. After having trained his son Gimbo, Marco Tamberi is now a publisher. The relationship between the two, both sporting and emotional, ended about two years ago, after the Tokyo Olympics. Tamberi is now coached by his former national teammate Giulio Ciotti. It was his father who “induced”, Gimbo says, his son to leave basketball to concentrate on the high jump: “You would have remained a modest basketball player, in the high jump you only need two jumps to beat everyone”. Marco Tamberi also pushed his eldest son, Gianluca, a former javelin thrower of excellent level, towards athletics.

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The breakup

When Fagnani presses him asking what was the lowest symbolic episode of their relationship, Tamberi refers to a race in Serbia: “There were so many and this is the reason why a relationship deteriorates to the point of not being irretrievable, but rather complicated to patch it up. The lowest point after a race in Serbia: the tone was raised dramatically, I remained touched me deeply and there I understood that it was no longer possible to move forward.” On the rigid rules imposed by his father on nutrition and training, the same ones that the 2021 Olympic champion now puts into practice: “I was 18… It’s one thing to impose them on yourself, it’s another thing to choose, it’s another thing to have someone choose for you. A parent must help you take the right path, but don’t force you to choose that path. At that moment I felt very betrayed by the parental figure.”

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Tamberi a Belve: “Horrendous relationship with my father, difficult to recover”

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The father: “I was abandoned by him”

In a post on his Facebook profile last January, Marco Tamberi also accused his son of abandoning him: “Your son, after you have risked everything, absolutely everything for him, puts you out on the street from one day to the next. other treating you like a piece of trash, you have to have heart surgery (‘na stuff), before Christmas they tell you that you might have thyroid cancer (it was a joke, pfuiii), soon your company that you spent so much energy on for 30 years it fails.” Words deleted after an hour and then denied by Marco Tamberi himself: “It was stupid. The stupidity is what the others did. Someone entered my social wall, as soon as I read the post I promptly removed it”.

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