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Who is Stéphane Bancel, the billionaire who launched one of the vaccines against Covid in record time?

September 13, 2024 – 18:30

He is the CEO of one of the most important pharmaceutical laboratories today, which made millions of dollars in profits after the pandemic.

Stéphane Bancel He is the president of the laboratory, Modernwhich stood out in the Covid-19 pandemic for creating a vaccine in record time. This drug allowed him to win millions of dollars and triple the company’s staff despite being the first to market. His company studies messenger RNA technology and seeks to counteract other diseases with it.

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The laboratory’s research dates back 12 yearsthis allowed them to act quickly against the coronavirus and they plan to implement their results in studies on cancer or HIV cases. The company’s CEO demonstrates his conviction about his technologies by declaring: “if we get one drug to work, the next one will too.”

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Looking back at the height of the pandemic, Bancel recalls that they had to skip the first phases of clinical trials and that They commercialized the vaccine about five years faster than any traditional processHe also stressed that he does not know how they were able to work so many hours because there was only a team of 100 people dedicated to testing an immunization against Covid-19.

Bancel, when explaining them Advantages of RNA messenger used as an example his cytomegalovirus vaccine projectthe main condition of birth defect. The specialist indicated that this technology allows him to manufacture medicines that were not possible before because he can gather more than one molecule per dose, six in the case of this research, which helps to create antibodies against all the viruses that are injected. In addition, he highlights the speed with which it allows his research to advance.

Stéphane Bancel, the billionaire CEO of Moderna who, in addition to creating the vaccine against Covid, announced a possible cure for skin cancer

The Moderna laboratory announced a vaccine against skin cancer that is made with message RNA and that would reduce the probability of relapse or death from this disease by almost halfThis medicine is combined with the immunotherapy drug Keytruda and is produced from a sample of each patient’s tumor DNA.

The results of the research led by Bancel were promising. The procedure was analyzed over 3 years. Patients who received these vaccines reduced their risk of death by 49%. In addition, 62% managed to prevent the cancer from spreading further. While it was reported that the effects secondary were fatigue, pain at the injection site and chills. It was also announced that the vaccine is expected to be available in 2025.

How much is Stéphane Bancel’s fortune, according to Forbes

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The CEO of the cutting-edge laboratory became one of the most important personalities in the world’s pharmaceutical market. His success during the Covid-19 pandemic allowed him to gather a fortune of 2.9 billion dollars.

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