The Psychiatric Patient Assistance Act prohibits the management or operation of any mental health facility to which the provisions of this law apply except on the basis of a license issued by the Ministry of Health and its registration in the acts of the Regional Council for Mental Health in accordance with the conditions and methods provided for by the regulations implementing this law, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law on Special Treatment Facilities.
The license is for a period of 5 years, renewable for other similar periods.
In any case, a psychiatrist must take over the management of the facility and be accountable to the competent authorities for violations committed in the facility.
And every mental health facility must have a special registry for mental patients – whatever the reason for entering the facility – as long as it is in two copies that includes each patient’s data.
The National Council for Mental Health and the Regional Councils for Mental Health have access to the documents reported for their work according to the provisions of this law, while maintaining the confidentiality of information.