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Who is Mariana Arce, the young lawyer and former candidate who decided not to defend Alberto Fernández


Last Friday, before the appointment of Silvina Career as a defender of the former president Alberto Fernandez Following the complaint of gender violence by the former first lady Fabiola Yanezthe Peronist leader offered an interview to The Country in which she defended herself against the accusations made by her ex-partner before the courts. In the first paragraphs of the article, which The Spanish media published this Mondayit is mentioned that the former head of the Justicialist Party was accompanied by the lawyer Mariana Arce. In dialogue with THE NATIONThe lawyer clarifies that she never legally represented the former president. She also points out that she was only consulted on the matter and that she decided not to take on that role since she would not be able to dedicate the time that the case deserved. She also denies having a close relationship with Fernández.

“I was not Alberto Fernández’s lawyer for 24 hours as some media outlets say. I was simply consulted by the former president for his representation, but in the end that did not happen and Dr. Silvina Carreira was the one who took on the case and is in charge right now,” she stressed in statements to this outlet. Asked about her presence in Puerto Madero during the interview with the Spanish newspaper, the 31-year-old lawyer explained: “It was a coincidence. The interview took place on the same day I went to see the former president to decide whether or not I would represent him in the case.” Later, Arce dismissed rumors that he knew the former head of state.

Mariana Arce, the young lawyer who decided not to take on Alberto Fernández’s defense in the gender violence case against Fabiola YañezIG

“I want to clarify another thing. It was also said that I knew Alberto because of my work in public office. This is not true. I had no relationship of any kind with the former president. I was consulted because of my profession as a criminal lawyer linked to human rights and gender issues. I worked for years alongside Dr. Leandro Despouy.” class=”com-link”>Dr. Leandro Despouy, collaborating on human rights issues when he was president of the UN. What I do know is that Alberto knew him and had a lot of respect for Despouy,” he said.

Regarding the reasons why she decided to step aside and not defend Fernández in the case of gender violence, she said: “I had other ongoing cases that I could not neglect. I am very professional. I dedicate myself 100% when I take on a job. “I didn’t think I would be able to devote the time that a case like this deserves. It’s a subject that I think should be treated with complete caution. That’s why the defense was left in the hands of Carreiras.”

Silvina Carreira, Alberto Fernandez’s lawyer, in Comodoro PyRicardo Pristupluk

The lawyer concluded her dialogue with THE NATION She also reflected on the comments and versions that have been circulating on social media in the last few hours, most of them linked to her physical appearance. “It seems to me that the disqualifications I received also speak of gender violence. They want to lower the price of a lawyer by talking or giving their opinion on her physical appearance instead of what the lawyer or professional says. The fact that a woman exposes or has a personal life does not mean that she has less or more capacity or that they can question her professional capacity,” she stressed.

And he added: “I don’t see any photos of the private lives of male professional lawyers being posted or any talk about their physical appearance. nor make malicious insinuations to disqualify their work. This only happens when you’re a woman. You can’t seem to be smart or have a career. I deeply regret that society has not yet evolved to such a point where the personal photos a woman uploads are used to criticize her professional performance. Because the focus is once again on ability rather than gender, and we are talking about a gender issue.”

The lawyer is originally from the Buenos Aires town of Las Flores. She currently works as a Criminal Law Specialist Attorney and has “extensive experience in public service” according to his profile Linkedin. Among other works, his work with the former president of the UN Commission on Human Rights stands out, Leandro Despouy; for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2011 and 2018 – she helped on issues related to human rights. She also worked at the General Audit Office of the Nation (AGN) until May 2023, where she took on various roles – she was an advisor and collaborated on projects such as the creation of the committee on workplace violence and gender violence – and was Liaison for the Capacity Building Committee of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS). In 2019, she was a candidate for deputy in the province of Buenos Aires for Consenso Federal. According to sources consulted by THE NATIONhad started the path to run in 2023. However, once the campaign began, he decided to withdraw because he did not agree with “certain forms of politics.”

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