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who is for, who is against?

Fifa wants to organize “an open and constructive debate” on the question of the reform of international calendars, and in particular to evoke its plan for the World Cup both.

This is why the International Federation of the Round Ball is organizing, on September 30, “an online summit” in the company of its member associations but also of the confederations (UEFA for Europe, Conmebol for South America, Concacaf for the (North and Central America, AFC for Asia, CAF for Africa, OFC for Oceania).

The goal, for Fifa, is of course to convince a majority of players in world football of the merits of changing the pace of the World Cup, moving to a biennial and no longer a quadrennial rhythm.

It is also with this in mind that the body headed by Gianni Infantino released an online survey Thursday showing a slight majority of football fans supporting the idea of ​​a “more frequent” World Cup. This study contrasts with the clear opposition expressed by dozens of national supporters’ associations.

Ten days before this famous “online summit”, here is the opportunity to take stock of the supporters of a World Cup every two years, and of its detractors.


Fifa has found a “lawyer” of choice in the person ofArsène Wenger. Respected coach, and now director of football development at Fifa, the Alsatian exposed his vision on a daily basis The team at the beginning of the month, which had the effect of (re) igniting the powders.

The former Arsenal manager recommends a selection competition each year, alternating World and continental competitions, such as the Euro or the Copa America.

He has continued to promote the project ever since.

An idea that appeals to the Confederation of North, Central America and the Caribbean. Concacaf, rather seduced, assured that it would examine with “an open mind and in a spirit of positive engagement” the proposal to change the pace of the World Cup.

Same story on the side of the African Football Confederation. “CAF believes that the most important thing is to continue discussions and deliberations, in an open-minded approach and with the objective of acting in the best interest of all member associations, confederations, players and stakeholders from all over the world, “said the president of the body Patrice Motsepe.

A few former players, too, have expressed a favorable opinion. This is particularly the case of Ronaldo the Brazilian, for whom it is a “magnificent” opportunity.

The Australian Tim Cahill thinks the same, while the ex-Danish doorman Peter Schmeichel believes that it is necessary to “jump at the opportunity”. In the favorable camp, we also find the former Barcelonans Yaya Toure and Javier Mascherano, the former German champion Lothar Matthaüs or English Gary Lineker.

Only big names in football … but not necessarily objective. Indeed, all these retired players, but also the others who participate in discussions around Arsène Wenger, have the status of ambassador to … Fifa.

And France in all of this?

In March, Noël Le Gräet assured that he “would not be against” a World Cup every two years. “It is surely not a bad idea. I wanted it for the girls, because there are friendly matches which are useless and many countries want to organize these competitions”, testified the president of the FFF.

And the Breton leader added: “I would not be against, because I think that big events make football progress”. Nevertheless, he already raised the possibility of a refusal on the side of UEFA, in particular with a view to protecting the Champions League.


UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin, condemned this proposal in mid-June, deeming it “impossible”, the debate was especially engaged this week, auguring agitated months before a “decision” promised by the end of the year by Gianni Infantino.

The South American Conmebol also expressed his refusal, saying that this project had “no sporting justification”.

The European Association of Clubs (ECA) considered for his part that there was “no room” in the current calendar for a final phase each year. At last, the World League Forum (WLF) has promised to “oppose” such a project.

Last week, the day after the results of the poll commissioned by and for FIFA, which voted for a World Cup every two years, the Portuguese (FPF) and German (DFB) federations expressed their disapproval.

The FPF points to “the impact on the mental health of players, forced, in this format, to make two annual gatherings of several weeks” and the “overlap World Cup – Olympic Games”.

The DFB, for its part, fears “a significant increase in the risk of injury” and is concerned about the place of women’s and junior tournaments, which would be constantly “marginalized in the shadow of men’s competitions”.

Supporters: from poll to reality, there is a world

And the supporters in all this? If the FIFA poll is to be believed, football fans would welcome this reform.

Except that the reality may be very different. In fact, at the beginning of September, around fifty groups of supporters from six different Confederations issued a press release to express their opposition to the project.

“Neither the time nor the money” to go halfway around the world every 24 months

“Such a decision threatens to destroy the already fragile balance between local, national, continental and international competitions, as well as an already overloaded calendar”, they developed, indicating to like the World Cup “precisely because it is an extraordinary event “.

They also explain that they have “neither the time, nor the money, nor the capacity to (go) to the other side of the world every 24 months. […]”.

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