Home » today » Entertainment » Who is Amanda Bynes, the actress who follows the example of Britney Spears to end the guardianship of her parents

Who is Amanda Bynes, the actress who follows the example of Britney Spears to end the guardianship of her parents

The example of Britney Spears begins to create a school. This is an issue that until now hardly came to light, but it seems that parental guardianship of former child or adolescent stars – coincidentally, both cases were of women who had a time when they could not withstand media pressure – has had much more traveled than the mediatic case of the singer of Toxic, Womanizer O …Baby One More Time. There is the case of the actress Amanda Bynes, who has just started the paperwork to be the next to dissociate herself from her parents and to be able to return to adult life with freedom assured and without having to answer to their parents.

Bynes, a 35-year-old Californian (she will blow out the candles in a month), stands in the wake of the princess of pop and a couple of weeks ago he consummated his transformation into a new case similar to that of the #FreeBirtney by signing a petition in Superior Court in Ventura, in his home state, to end the custody that a judge imposed on him nine years ago, in 2013, granting his parents, Lynn and Rick Bynes, legal control over her daughter’s affairs, especially with regard to the economy.

Given the request, the first thing that US justice has done has been to set a first hearing, which will take place next Tuesday, March 22. Bynes’s lawyer, David A. Esquibias, confessed in a few words for the magazine Peoplethat “Amanda is looking forward to ending her conservatorship” since “she understands that her condition has improved,” so “the protection of the court is no longer necessary”.

The last update of the case had been given last September, when a detailed report was presented on the state of health and well-being of the actress, famous for films such as she is the boyjunto a Channing Tatum, Hairspray, with John Travolta, or Rumors and liesdear to dear with Emma Stone. This report was approved by a California court and was due for renewal in January 2023.

At that time, several media understood that this meant that the guardianship was automatically extended until that date, but the lawyer has been in charge of denying it: “There was recently a document filed on his health and welfare status that was admitted by the court. With the law in hand, the next report should be presented in two years. But then his conservatorship would not end when it was convenient for Amanda.”

Amanda Bynes’ path to getting here is, however, quite common in Hollywood. when you think of the classic story of ‘lost young hopefuls’. And it all starts, of course, being a child star. It was in the Nickelodeon series All that and morewhich was on the air from 1996 to 2002 (she leaves with the turn of the millennium) and in which he later starred in a spin-off, The Amanda Showbetween 1999 and 2002.

After starring in the series What I like about youin his teens he becomes a familiar face in romantic comedies like a dream for her O my flirt in troubleat the same time that her training as a dubbing actress allows her to be in the cast of the series Rugrats O Family Guy or the movies Robots. As he continued to work, the problems began, especially because she was so high on marijuana to the shoots that she forgot her lines.

As of 2010, she became in the news more times for her excesses than for her work: first she was arrested for possession of illegal substances, she was involved in a car accident and would end up accused of being the cause of a fire. In between, he struggled with his increasingly pronounced addictions not only to drugs but also to alcohol or the drug Adderall-to treat attention deficit problems-. Hollywood turned its back on him because he did not want another young woman to end up as they had already done, among others, Lindsay Lohan.

A separate point was his Twitter account: he announced that he was leaving the interpretation in the middle of a drug trip, he asked then President Obama to fire the policeman who arrested him, claimed that Chris Brown had hit Rhianna for being ugly, insulted Chrissy Teigan and Courtney Love or tweeted “I want Drake to murder my vagina.” In addition, her blurry selfies made references to her weight and an alleged eating disorder, which triggered insults to herself when she was younger.

Eventually, she entered a rehab clinic while being placed under the guardianship of her parents. In that center, at a meeting of anonymous alcoholics, met Paul Michael, whom she got engaged to on Valentine’s Day 2020, although due to the pandemic they have not yet passed through the altar. In 2108 he announced in the magazine Paper that she had been sober for 4 years and announced that she was looking to “get back on track.”

Contrary to Britney’s case, Amanda’s parents, Lynn and Rick Bynes, support their daughter, as her lawyer, Tamar Arminak, has made clear: “Her parents are happy, delighted to receive this good news. Professionals say she is ready to make your own decisions. They support one hundred percent Amanda’s request to end her guardianship and they are very proud of her and the hard work she has put in to get here.”

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