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Who gained within the 2019 European elections?

5 years later, Italy and Europe are as soon as once more making ready for the European polls. It was Could 26, 2019 when Italians, along with residents of 27 different EU international locations (there was nonetheless the UK), forged their vote to resume the European Parliament. An election that in Italy noticed the triumph of Lega Of Matteo Salviniwhich with 34.3% of the votes established itself because the main nationwide social gathering.

“We’re the primary social gathering within the North and the South”, Salvini exulted then, rosary in hand, in a press convention on election evening. “We do not settle accounts, we do not ask for seats, the federal government contract does not change”, he assured. However a number of months later, in August, the League would carry down the yellow-green authoritiespaving the way in which for one thing new Giallorossi govt Pd-M5S, Conte II. That vote was the head of the Salvian consensus.

The success was clear and unequivocal: the Lega it went from 6.2% in 2014 to 34.3%, successful 28 seats. Within the 2018 elections he had obtained 17.7%. A consequence that consolidated its management within the center-right, regardless of the expansion of Brothers of Italy Of Giorgia Meloniwhich stood at 6.4% and which – we all know immediately – would have been taken 3 years after the management of the coalition and Palazzo Chigi.


The Democratic Occasion, led by Nicola Zingaretti, positioned second with 22.7%, exceeding the 5 Star Motion Of Luigi Di Maio, which collapsed to 17.1% from 32.6% within the insurance policies twelve months earlier. “Now the federal government is much more fragile”, he commented Nicola Zingarettipredicting future developments.

In Europa, i widespread confirmed themselves as the primary social gathering with 179 seats, adopted by socialists a 153. I verdi they have been the shock, rising to 69 seats, pushed by good leads to Germany and France. THE sovereignists of the ENL, Salvini’s group which later turned Identification and Democracy, obtained 58 seats, a major advance however not the triumph they’d hoped for. Half of the ENL seats have been Italian.

That vote, whereas fragmenting Parliament, laid the foundations for the nomination of Ursula von der Leyen as the primary girl to guide the European Fee.


His election, which happened in July of that yr with solely 9 votes, mirrored the brand new steadiness. Von der Leyen, a member of the German CDU and subsequently of the EPP, was supported by an “Ursula” majority, which went past the standard alliance between the Individuals’s Occasion and the Socialists.

The assist of the liberals was essential away (105 seats – immediately Renew Europe), led by Macron, and a lot of the socialists. Shock assist additionally got here from the Italian 5 Star Motion, at odds with Salvini’s League, which as a substitute opposed it. This transfer by the M5S maybe additionally heralded the longer term Giallorossi authorities in Italy even when – when Salvini brings down the federal government in August – elections appeared the most certainly end result.

As we speak, on the eve of the 2024 European elections, these outcomes appear to belong to a different period. Inside a number of months, Italy and Europe would have been overwhelmed by the pandemic Covid, rewriting priorities, balances and alliances. The Union confronted the pandemic, with the international locations going their very own approach, particularly within the first part, however then collectively in addition they gave beginning to the Restoration Fund and the Pnrr. After all, the social steadiness has been upset. 5 years later, the best is advancing and everybody expects that the subsequent legislature will likely be one among relaunch, or reflux. However in 2019 all this was unpredictable.

#gained #European #elections
– 2024-06-04 16:34:54

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