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Who does not want to be vaccinated in Spain?

It may be hard to believe, but in theory there are people who would prefer to continue traveling on foot on muddy roads rather than by train or car. It is already known: the accident rate is very high on the roads. However, it is not known exactly how many people would prefer to continue enjoying that prehistoric comfort. If there are, they don’t lead by example.

On the other hand, it is possible to know how many Spaniards do not plan to be vaccinated despite the fact that experience has shown that vaccines have saved millions of lives since their discovery. Specifically, just over a million Spaniards are not willing to be vaccinated under any circumstances, according to the CIS. And they are not necessarily extravagant or deranged people. The public institute survey reflects a very diverse composition. Of course, the photograph is blurry, since the subsamples are small and the margin of error, wider.

For example, it is true that the proportion of unvaccinated is higher among young people, but that does not mean that they are the most reluctant to be vaccinated. On the contrary, of that million citizens refractory to the vaccine, only 8% would be less than 24 years old. On the other hand, 41% are between 35 and 54. And even 16% would be over 65 years old. And the same diversity occurs from other variables.

Ideology is one of them. The largest group of those opposed to being vaccinated would be the one located in the political center: it accounts for almost 22% of the total. Then there are citizens of the extreme left (who would represent 17%) and then those of the extreme right, who would account for more than 12%. Now, the composition by vote recall traces a clearer x-ray of the anti-vaccine. A third of all of them do not vote in the elections and 18% would have done so for Vox. Likewise, 14% of this contingent supported Podemos. On the other hand, only 10% would have voted for the PSOE, and 7% for the PP.

Ultra voters and abstentionists account for more than 50% of those opposed to receiving the prick

Another variable is social class, and there the largest group of anti-vaccines would be the middle class: it accounts for almost half of all of them. Next would be the lower-middle class, representing 17%. However, the most surprising figures appear in the classification by studies.

No less than 37% of those who do not plan to be vaccinated would have higher education. It would mean almost 370,000 people throughout Spain who have attended university. The next largest group would be made up of those who have studied vocational training or the first stage of secondary school, each representing 21% of the total.

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Naturally, the picture of those who are not willing to be vaccinated would not be complete if the weight of each group is not weighted. To do this, it is necessary to see how each one of them behaves in the face of vaccination. And in this sense, around 57% of those who have not been vaccinated state that they do not intend to do so in the future either. From this parameter it is possible to determine which groups are most reluctant to vaccination.

By social class, the highest percentage of those opposed to vaccination among those who have not yet been inoculated is registered in the lower-middle class (67%, which is ten points above the average). By studies, the highest rejection rate is found among those who have completed vocational training (68%) or secondary (65%). And in the case of ideological location, it is true that the group with the most weight was located in the center, but that was so because it is also the most numerous on the ideological axis.

Among those who have not yet done so, young people are the most predisposed to inoculate the doses

However, the most refractory to the vaccine are those assigned to the extreme right (with 81% rejection), or to the extreme left (with 73%). And the memory of the vote confirms that photograph: compared to an average of 57%, 66% of the voters of Vox not vaccinated do not plan to do so either, and the same 78% of those of Podemos.

Finally, the age classification throws some surprise: young people who have not yet been vaccinated are the most predisposed to do so (up to 52%). Instead, the ratio reverses as age increases; and among the unvaccinated over 45 years of age, the refusal rate to do so ranges from 60% to more than 80%.

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