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WHO does not let expert speak in parliamentary committee on corona: “Thunder in a clear sky”

On the agenda of the Covid committee this morning was a hearing with Hans Kluge, WHO regional director, and Lieven De Raedt, the head of international relations of the FPS Public Health. The committee members especially looked forward to the presence of the WHO, to answer questions about the approach to the fight against the coronavirus.

But barely an hour before the start, the committee members were informed that Kluge would send his cat. “That was a bit of a bolt from the blue. Yesterday we had arranged a translation because it turned out that he had to speak in English. The appointment was fixed”, De Caluwé tells our editorial team. He cannot comment on the motive.

WHO proposes that committee members submit their questions in writing to the organization, which will happen now. De Caluwé wants to collect the questions of the MPs by Wednesday (in English) and then forward them. The WHO also announced that it is itself working on a report that Belgium can then consult.

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