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Who does it concern and what does it mean? – SWR3

In Corona hotspots in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, night curfews will soon apply to reduce new infections. Here we explain who this affects and which rules exactly apply.

As a measure against the persistently high number of new corona infections, exit restrictions can be imposed. During a specified period of time, residents are only allowed to leave the house with a valid reason. These include, for example, medical emergencies or reasons for work.

Incidence over 200: That applies in a hotspot in Baden-Württemberg

The state government of Baden-Württemberg stipulated on Thursday that the new measures would apply if the incidence number rises above 200 in a city or in a district. Exact times must then be set for the exit restrictions.

The first city in Baden-Württemberg to start Mannheim the exit restrictions on Friday evening. According to the city, the aim of this arrangement is to “further reduce encounters through private meetings and celebrations, as they are a main source of infections”. The restrictions should initially apply until December 14th.

Where are there night exit restrictions?

For the other cities in Baden-Würrtemberg, it is still to be clarified when the exit restrictions come into force and at what times they apply. Here is an overview of the groups previously affected by the exit restrictions:

  • Mannheim: Time of the exit restriction between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Pforzheim: Time of the exit restriction between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Calw: The time of the exit restriction is still pending
  • Heilbronn *: The time of the exit restriction is still pending
  • Tuttlingen: * Time of exit restriction still pending
  • Lörrach: * Time of exit restriction still pending

* The cities marked with an asterisk are currently below the incidence limit of 200. It has not yet been determined whether this could affect the exit restrictions in the affected regions.

Rhineland-Palatinate is also planning exit restrictions

In Rhineland-Palatinate, there will also be so-called curfews in cities with high numbers of infections. In Ludwigshafen, the regulation comes into force on Friday at midnight – after that the exit restriction will start every day at 9 p.m. Speyer, Frankenthal and the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis want to start on Tuesday at the latest.

  • Ludwigshafen: Time of exit restriction between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Speyer: The time of the exit restriction is still pending
  • Frankenthal: The time of the exit restriction is still pending
  • Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis: The time of the exit restriction is still pending

Is my district a corona hotspot?

The state governments in Baden-Wuerttemberg and in Rhineland-Palatinate offer lists on which the incidence values ​​of the districts are given on a daily basis. The list of hotspots with an incidence over 50 is extremely long and the incidence of 200 has blown some circles.

The incidence values ​​of the districts are also given on this interactive map:

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