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Who do Poles feel the greatest dislike to? The undisputed winner … (SURVEY)

Pudelek in collaboration with Institute of Market and Social Research IBRiS He asked a representative group of 1,000 Poles about their likes and dislikes in relation to 15 characters from the world of show business, sports and television selected by the editorial office. This group includes: Jakub Rzezniczak, Cuba WojewódzkiKinga Rusin, Jacek Kurski, Robert Lewandowski, Julia WieniawaFilip Chajzer, Edyta Górniak, Małgorzata RozenekBarbara Kurdej-Szatan, Michał Wiśniewski, Ida Nowakowska, Izabela Janachowska, Blanka Lipińska and Anna Lewandowska.

See also: Antoni Królikowski refuses an interview with Pudelek and insults the reporter

The results of the surveys were categorized into several groups depending on the sex of the respondents, age, size of the city in which they live, education, earnings or the source from which they obtain information about the world. The feelings of vaccinated and unvaccinated people were also examined. This division should be of particular interest Edyta Górniak.

Moving on to the conclusions, according to the IBRiS survey conducted for Pudelka, the person against whom the highest percentage of respondents is dislike is Jacek Kurski (as much as 64%). What’s worth noting is that even TVP and TVP Info viewers They have a much higher aversion to it than they are sympathetic (40% to 17% in the case of people learning about the situation in Poland and about the candles from TVP News). The second place, perhaps to the surprise of some, was taken Michał Wiśniewski. 37% of respondents expressed their dislike for the red-haired star (with 21% expressing sympathy). They were right behind him Edyta Górniak (37% of those feeling aversion to her and 27% of those feeling like) and Małgorzata Rozenek (dislike to liking ratio: 32% to 25%).

However, when it comes to the person who is liked the most among the respondents, there is no big surprise. Is it Robert Lewandowskiabout which as many as 64% of respondents have positive feelings.

Surprisingly, it came in second place Cuba Wojewódzki (45% of the respondents express their sympathy). Here, however, other conclusions are interesting. It turns out that a celebrity enjoys much greater sympathy among people who learn about the world from social media than among those who read gossip websites on an ongoing basis, including Boxes. In this group of people Wojewódzki noted more dislike than liking (37%) This is over 10% advantage of reluctance compared to the surveyed group of people following current world events on social media (25%).

The fact that whom the Poles do not know from among the celebrities mentioned. Here he came first Jakub Rzezniczak. The survey results also clearly show that if you already know Rzezniczak, it is mainly from gossip websites (including Pudelka), but the effect of this is that you do not like him anyway. Among the celebrities who are not necessarily liked by people who indicate gossip websites as a source of information about the world, there were also a few other interesting names. According to the data, this group is not liked by Blanka Lipińska, Anna Lewandowska (who generally arouses more sympathy than aversion among the respondents) and of course (again) Jacek Kurski.

If you want to learn more, including who women prefer and who men prefer, and who are liked by the younger and older people, and who the inhabitants of rural areas like more, and who the inhabitants of larger cities like more, or whether Edyta Górniak is liked among the unvaccinated people, then Be sure to tune in to the latest episode of Pudelek Podcast where we explain everything.

The first place on the podium goes to Mrs. Rozenek.

Let Miszczak read this poll and give him peace with Gocha

Putin is the worst in the world and Zelensky is the most popular

this is what Poland is like. Everyone has a friend from the character of Wojewodzki, everyone has a neighbor, mede Pazdziocha, everyone has a friend, Gonie. This is Poland and this is how we are. That’s the truth

Lewandowska irritates me much more than Kurski

Latest comments (408)

For me, the first place among those who are disliked even hated is Kurski. I cannot look at his still content (read deceitful) face.

The poodle removes the infamous comments about the Ruthenians, because it is she who ranks highest in sowing hatred. A terrible person.

media critic …

10 min. ago

And the fat cat is happy and makes a good face for a bad game. But he deserved it. So he chose. But why Edyta Górniak? Only by young haters who do not know her successes and do not know that she is our biggest stage star. If she had been like those who criticize me, she would never have had any success. A star in any civilized country benefits from his status, and perhaps more than the others. Bravo Edyta, you are great and they do not know what they are doing. You have to forgive them.

The most disliked is undoubtedly Kurski !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not sympathize with intolerant, mean, venomous people, and such is certainly Rusin, Korwin-Piotrowska, and Satan’s and cynical Wojewódzki.

Poodle, you bypass Wieniawa because you pay for your articles, so people are fed up with her too. No less than Rozenek

I dream about Lewandowska disappearing from public space once and for all!

The main job of the poodle is to hate. Stop hate !!! 🙂 start to love and respect each other and stop reading poodle. Fortunately, the world is exactly the opposite of what this sheep pavement is trying to convince you of. 🙂

The boxes go beyond the schematics. Cool poll. It’s good that I’m not a celebrity and I enjoy a lot of sympathy from friends and strangers because I would probably cry being in such a list …

I will not turn on the box, because I hate tabloids and muggers.

Provincial first, Wiśniewski second.

There are a lot of them Kurski 1st place, Rodzynek i Majdan, Górniak, Kurdej Szatan, Sthur and you can name a lot ……

Lewandowska should go first

Wieśniawa is below the intellectual standard that this language …?

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