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WHO criticizes countries for prioritizing economy during pandemic

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The decision of the head of state who faces a dilemma between imposing a lockdown (lockdown) in order to suppress transmission corona virus, or sacrificing public health to reopen the economy has drawn criticism from the World Health Organization (WHO).

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticized the choice as a “false” dichotomy amid the pandemic.

“It was the wrong choice. WHO urges countries to focus on four important priorities (coping with the pandemic),” Tedros said in a video shot at a webinar organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Quoting Channel News AsiaThe four priorities that Tedros referred to are: first, namely banning large-scale meetings, for example in stadiums and nightclubs, which in some places have become new clusters of corona transmission. The second is protecting vulnerable groups, saving compounds, and reducing the burden on the health system.

Third, the need to educate the public to be disciplined in maintaining distance, washing hands, wearing masks to prevent transmission. Fourth, by tracking, isolating, quarantining, testing, and treating people who have a history of contact with people infected with corona.

“There have been many examples of countries that have effectively prevented or controlled outbreaks by implementing these four methods, and done them well,” he said, citing the successes of New Zealand, Iceland and Singapore.

“In general, it takes commitment from all countries to maintain national unity and global solidarity.”

[Gambas:Video CNN]

170 countries have committed to distribute vaccines

On that occasion, he also revealed that there were 170 countries that expressed their commitment to the global plan to distribute the corona vaccine fairly throughout the world.

The program titled COVAX is WHO’s top priority as an effort to distribute the corona vaccine in a safe manner.

“The first vaccine that is approved may not be the best. The more options we have, the higher the chances of getting a vaccine that is very safe and very potent,” said Tedros.

Photo: CNN Indonesia / Fajrian
Insert Article – Corona Virus Alert-

“We are already facing challenges with acceptance of many proven vaccines. We cannot take the risk of distributing vaccines that are considered unsafe.”

According to him, currently countries around the world are facing a test of solidarity to share the results of corona vaccine research. It is the biggest global test.

“The biggest test currently facing is neither scientific nor technical,” he added.

He said the pandemic had changed the world’s political and economic choices. This can be seen from the lack of readiness of global countries in facing a deadly virus attack.

“In the last 20 years, countries have invested massively in preparing for terrorist attacks. But relatively little preparedness in the face of a viral attack, as evidenced by the presence of a pandemic, can be far more deadly, disruptive and detrimental,” he said.

Tedros’ statement this time was delivered when global corona cases reached 30,356,725. The death rate due to Covid-19 also almost reached 1 million, namely 950,628.

(evn / ayp)

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