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WHO “Corona mutation rate is slower than seasonal flu”

“No significant impact on virus sensitivity”
Reproduction index 0.4 upward estimate due to mutation

-An official from the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the mutation rate of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is slower than that of the existing seasonal influenza (flu).

According to CNBC on the 21st (local time), Sumya Swaminatan, the WHO chief scientist, made this announcement at a press conference on the day. Earlier in the UK, a highly contagious variant Corona 19 has spread, and at least 20 countries have banned entry to UK flights.

“Corona 19 is mutating at a much slower rate than the flu,” Swaminatan said.

“So far, we have seen a lot of changes and variations.” But none of them have had a significant impact on the sensitivity of the virus to the treatments, drugs, or vaccines under development. I hope this will continue in the future.” Mike Ryan, head of the WHO emergency response team, said that it is not yet known whether the cause of the increase in the number of new cases in the UK is mutation or behavior that violates quarantine guidelines. British officials have warned that the spread of the mutant virus could be up to 70% stronger than before. “It is estimated that the UK’s infectious reproductive index has increased slightly,” said Ryan. “It remains to be seen how much of that is due to specific genetic changes in the new mutant virus.”

According to Maria Bankerkov, who is responsible for the WHO’s new disease and infectious disease (a disease that can spread between humans and animals), UK officials believe the mutant virus has increased the Corona 19 reproduction index from 1.1 to 1.5. The reproductive index is a measure of how many people are infected by one confirmed person.

Banker Cove also said the mutant virus would not affect the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The whole world is tense about the mutant virus from the UK, but the virus’ mutation itself is not unusual.

Seasonal flu mutates so often that scientists should regularly develop new vaccines, CNBC said. All viruses mutate naturally, but mutant viruses don’t necessarily make them more contagious or lethal.

British officials told WHO that the COVID-19 vaccine would also be effective for the mutant virus, but further research was needed.


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