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WHO classifies monkeypox as an international public health emergency

“According to the evaluation of theOMSthe risk of monkeypox is moderate globally and in all regions except the European region, where we estimate the risk to be high,” the agency chief explained at a conference. virtual press.

Dr Tedros made the decision after a second meeting of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee, after which members failed to reach a consensus.

“There is also a clear risk of international spread, although the risk of interference with international traffic remains low at this time. In summary, we are in the presence of an epidemic which has spread rapidly throughout the world, by new modes of transmission, of which we do not know much, and which meets the criteria of the International Health Regulations,” said clarified the head of the WHO about the reasons behind his decision.

“Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus”

“While I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern, this is an epidemic at this time that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, particularly those with multiple sexual partners.” added Dr. Tedros, for whom the epidemic can therefore be stopped with a strategy targeting populations at risk. “It is therefore essential that all countries work closely with communities of men who have sex with men, to design and deliver effective information and services, and to adopt measures that protect the health, rights rights and the dignity of affected communities”.

“Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus,” he insisted, calling on civil society organizations, especially those working with people living with HIV, to work together to fight against stigma and discrimination.

WHO recommendations to four groups of countries

The WHO chief made a series of recommendations for four groups of countries:

  • Those who have not yet reported a case of monkeypox or have not reported a case for more than 21 days;
  • Those who have recently imported cases of monkeypox and who are experiencing human-to-human transmission.

“This includes recommendations to implement a coordinated response to stop transmission and protect vulnerable groups; engage and protect affected communities; to intensify surveillance and public health measures; strengthen clinical management and infection prevention and control in hospitals and clinics; to accelerate research on the use of vaccines, therapies and other tools; and recommendations on international travel,” said Dr. Tedros.

  • The third group of countries are those where monkeypox is transmitted between animals and humans;
  • Countries with production capacity for diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics belong to the fourth group.

The outbreak continues with 16,000 reported cases and 5 deaths

The purpose of this Saturday’s conference was to take stock of the report of the second meeting of the Emergency Committee concerning the epidemic outbreak of monkeypox in several countries.

A month ago, Dr Tedros first convened the IHR Emergency Committee to assess whether the monkeypox outbreak, which has occurred in several countries, constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. At this first meeting, although diverging opinions were expressed, the committee agreed in the negative.

At the time, 3040 cases of monkeypox had been reported to WHO, in 47 countries.

“Since then, the outbreak has continued, and today there are more than 16,000 reported cases in 75 countries and territories, and five deaths,” Dr Tedros said.

The five criteria of ROI

Under the International Health Regulations, WHO management must consider five factors when deciding whether an outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern:

  • Information provided by countries – which in this case shows that this virus has spread rapidly to many countries that have never seen it before;
  • All three criteria for declaring a public health emergency of international concern under the International Health Regulations have been met;
  • The opinion of the Emergency Committee;
  • Scientific principles, evidence and other relevant information – which are currently insufficient and leave us with many unknowns;
  • The risk to human health, global spread and the risk of interference with international traffic.

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