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who celebrates Angel’s Day, greetings in verse and prose – Various

May 6, 2024 – what is the day of the angel and how to congratulate on the birthday – read in the TSN.ua article.

Who celebrates the day of the angel on May 6

Happy birthday to May 6, 2024 Vasyl, Denis, Ivan (Yan), Hilarion, Sava.

Vasyl — has ancient Greek roots and means “king”. In childhood, he was distinguished by curiosity, a sharp mind. In adulthood, he becomes self-confident, especially when it comes to women and their attention.

Denis — is translated from ancient Greek as “dedicated to Dionysus”. In childhood, the baby is quite pleasant in communication, easily makes contact. In adulthood, he becomes sociable and cheerful.

Ivan (Yan) — an ancient Jewish name meaning “mercy of God.” Although the boy often does not succeed in studies, he is very active in sports. In adulthood, he becomes somewhat slow, does not like to hurry.

Hilarion — is translated from ancient Greek as “joyful”. Sociable since childhood, knows how to make friends. In adulthood, he becomes firm, which helps him achieve success in life.

Sava — came from the Aramaic language and means “sage”. In childhood, he hardly got sick, he was distinguished by his poise. In adulthood, he becomes firm in his beliefs, he does not know how to make compromises.

Angel’s Day, May 6 – heartfelt greetings in prose

Angel Day, May 6 — heartfelt greetings in prose / Photo: Unsplash

Accept our greetings! We wish you all earthly blessings, but only those that will not spoil your reputation. Happiness, strength, loyal friends, well-being, career growth!


Today is not just a holiday for you, today is the holiday of the heavenly mentor! Go through life together, listen to his advice, live righteously and everything will be fine with you. Long life, happiness and prosperity!


Happy Angel Day! May he never fly away from you and help you always and in everything!


It doesn’t matter what the sky is like today – blue or cloudy, rainy or sunny, the main thing is that your Angel is waving at you from there and wishing you a happy birthday. Happy holiday! Believe in him, and he will always be with you!


A crown to the good Angel, and good health to you! Let the bright holiday called the name day, decorate your life with happiness, goodness and joy!

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