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Who can drive my car?

There are probably only a few vehicle owners in Germany who have never lent their car to a friend, their spouse or their own children. But what does that mean in terms of insurance? Does the car insurance also apply if someone other than the car owner is behind the wheel?

Car insurance: Who is allowed to drive my car from an insurance perspective?

As the comparison portal Verivox explains that many vehicle owners have only registered themselves as drivers in their car insurance policy. The reason for this is simple: the fewer drivers there are, the lower the insurance costs. However, according to Verivox, many insurance contracts stipulate that other individuals can sit behind the wheel in addition to the owner of the vehicle. Often these are the spouse or children. “In addition, there is usually the option of registering individual drivers from your circle of friends or acquaintances.”

“It is not just the number of potential drivers that influences the insurance costs,” Verivox continues, “but also their experience.” Anyone who includes young novice drivers under the age of 24 in the contract often has to expect high additional costs. This is because young drivers have the Verti Car Insurance According to the study, this represents by far the highest risk of accidents.

If you are unsure about the number of additional drivers, it is best to check your insurance contract. According to Verivox, violations can result in financial consequences.

By the way: If you spot a red dot on your car, you should act quickly. Otherwise you could face a massive fine of 100,000 euros.

Car insurance: Can you add an additional driver for a vacation or move?

According to most insurers, you can Financial tip expand the driver base quickly and easily. For example, if you are moving house or going on vacation. Often, a call to the customer hotline is all that is needed.

However, the costs for a short-term expansion of the driver base can vary greatly, as Financial tip explains. “Some insurance companies offer to expand the driver group at short notice free of charge. Often for up to four weeks a year, sometimes limited to a certain number of additional drivers.”

Good to know: During a car inspection, some parts cause the most problems.

Car insurance: How many drivers can I register?

As a policyholder, you can decide for yourself how many drivers you want to include in your contract. According to the comparison portal Check24 The following models are possible:

  • Individual naming (naming of close relatives or life partners)

  • General nomination (for example: all drivers over 25 years)

  • Open driver group (no restrictions)

  • Entry of a driver for a specific period

The costs vary considerably. As a rule of thumb, the fewer drivers there are, the cheaper the insurance premium will be.

By the way: A black box for cars will be mandatory from summer 2024.

What happens if an unregistered driver has an accident?

If an unregistered driver causes an accident, the motor vehicle liability insurance will cover the damage to the other party’s vehicle, according to Verivox. However, the vehicle owner must expect sanctions afterwards. According to Verivox, these include:

  • a contractual penalty, which often amounts to several hundred euros

  • a supplementary payment of the difference in premiums to a tariff without a restricted driver group

  • a higher deductible in the event of a comprehensive insurance claim

  • or termination of contract

The situation is different in emergencies, such as Financial tip explains: “Of course, a close friend can drive your car home if you had to be taken to the hospital.”

Did you know? Drivers often have to pay hefty fines for speeding.

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