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who are they dedicated to? The meaning

Vasco Rossi, to whom is Albachiara dedicated?

If we talk about the music of Vasco Rossi reference is made to a long series of songs that have become cult and have remained in the history of Italian music. Songs like Sally, Albachiara, Reckless life are evergreen gods, songs that every generation knows. But have you ever wondered what is the meaning of these so famous songs and to whom are they dedicated? If we talk about Albachiara it was Vasco himself who said that the words of the song wrote them straight away in the kitchen in his mother’s house and were inspired by the vision of a young girl who took the bus near the singer’s house to go to school.

“My songs are all provocations, Albachiara was the first,” admitted the singer, then revealing that he contacted that girl many years later, when the song was already a cult. She appears not to have been particularly stunned by the news.

Vasco Rossi, who is Sally dedicated to?

If instead we talk about Sally, Vasco Rossi he said “I wrote it all straight away.” In a special on Tg1 she revealed what inspired her: “It’s a song I wrote when I was on vacation on a boat owned by my manager Robelli in Saint Tropez, one of those ten-day holidays that when you get home you need rest. I enter a place full of beautiful women, all Italian, I fall in love with the first, then with a second, then with another. In the end I was out at the club alone, I went on the boat and with that charge there, without a woman to unload it on, I downloaded it on a guitar: this is one of the secrets of art and creativity, it’s all sublimated sex . And thinking of a girl who has seen all sorts of things, I wrote Sally. “


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