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Whitney Houston: look back at her devastating marriage to Bobby Brown

Almost 10 years after Whitney Houston’s death from an overdose, the singer’s devastating marriage to Bobby Brown, which lasted 14 years, looks back on.

It’s a tragic date for Whitney Houston fans. On February 11, 2012, when she was to take the stage of the Grammy Awards, the singer was found dead in her bathtub by her bodyguards. At his side, drugs, witnesses of many years under the influence of the star, who sank into drugs during his career, especially for some, because of his marriage with Bobby Brown. It was then that she was at the peak of her career in the year 1990 that Whitney Houston falls in love with the New Edition singer, with whom she begins a love story.

An idyll which will be followed by a wedding in 1992 in front of nearly 800 guests, then the following year of the birth of their daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, who died in 2015 in circumstances surprisingly similar to the death of her mother. A seemingly happy marriage, especially on the red carpets, which behind the scenes also marks the beginning of the descent into hell for the diva. While Bobby Brown is a heavy user of marijuana, as well as other substances, Whitney Houston tombe she also in drugs. Consumption motivated for some by the constant infidelities of her husband, which will also be followed by numerous media scandals.

Bobby Brown “jaloux” de Whitney Houston ?

In 2000 for example, Whitney Houston was arrested at the airport in Hawaii in the United States in possession of marijuana. That same year, she will also be unable to attend an awards ceremony at the Oscars, where she was to perform. She will finally be replaced at a moment’s notice by Faith Hill, while at the same time, the singer’s career is in decline, far from her success in the 1980s and 1990s. If at this time she released many compilations of her past hits, this is also the time when Whitney Houston gets rarer on stage. And when it occurs, as for the concert of the thirty years of solo career of Michael Jackson in 2001, it is emaciated, and uncertain in its vocal interpretation that she appears, thus fueling rumors about her state of health.

A marriage that lasted no less than 14 years, punctuated by violence and jealousy of Bobby Brown vis-à-vis the success of Whitney Houston according to those close to the latter. “He was never able to endure the immense fame of my daughter”, confided even Cissy Houston, the mother of the singer about her ex-son-in-law. It was finally in September 2006 that the interpreter of I Will Always Love You files for divorce, while at the same time, she loses her residence in Atlanta, seized by the American tax authorities for non-payment of a debt of 1.4 million dollars. The divorce will be finally pronounced in April 2007. A relief perhaps for Whitney Houston, who however never regained the glory of his beginnings, even suffering several times from infections of the vocal cords.

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