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White smoke at Pemex and the armed forces

If the transformation into a harsh situation of transmission of power does not force anything else, Claudia Sheinbaum will announce on Monday his long-awaited appointment as general director of Petróleos Mexicanos and, most likely, those who will be the heads of the Navy and National Defense secretariats.

Everything indicates that the President-elect has been imposed and will not ratify the unconditional friend of AMLO at the head of Pemex, Octavio Romero Oropezawho in recent months has moved heaven, earth and sea to remain in charge of the oil company.

The responsibility will fall on Victor Rodriguez Padillaan academic of the UNAM very close to Sheinbaum and who has been her advisor on energy policy.

He will be, if there is no last-minute change, the winner of the tiger raffle, since he will have to avoid the collapse of the troubled oil company, but yes, with all the support of Sheinbaum through her designated Secretary of Energy, Luz Elena González and the current and next Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramirez de la O.

Neither in the Treasury nor in the oil industry Romero Oropeza’s close team is well regarded, made up of, among others, Marcos Herrerías, Alberto Velázquez, Miguel Ángel Lozada and Luz María Zarza.

There would already be some substitutes for them: in Exploration and Production the former national commissioner of Hydrocarbons, Néstor Martínez Romero; in Industrial Transformation, a subsidiary of the oil company that is in charge of the Dos Bocas refinery, the former technical coordinator of Pemex International Trade (PMI), Margarita Pérez Miranda; and at Pemex Logística, the current director of a fuel storage and transportation company, Sergio Rosado Flores.

Yesterday, it was still being said in the transition house that the president-elect had already decided who would be the heads of the Navy and the Navy secretariats. National defense and that he was evaluating the relevance of making it known tomorrow as well.

In Sheinbaum’s inner circle, some believe that it should be waited until the end of September, almost on the eve of the inauguration, to avoid political factors influencing the chain of command; but others think it is better to do it now, pressured as they are by the growing dispute with the United States over judicial reform and the display it has given to its current leaders. headlines extractionbetrayal, denunciation or kidnapping and transfer to the northern neighbor, of the drug trafficker Ismael “El MayoZambada.

In this sense, the support and promotion that has been made in Washington the admiral secretary of the MarinaRafael Ojeda Durán of the also admiral Raymundo Morales Ángeles, in charge of the Interoceanic Corridor project, of whom the head of the Armada has been accompanied since the last elections of the June 2nd in its public and private tours.

As head of the Interoceanic Corridor, Morales Ángeles also has the task of preventing this new trade route that will compete with the Panama Canal from having an excessive Chinese presence. Hence the aforementioned support from the United States for the man who could be the new Secretary of the Navy.

The name of the man for Defense seems to be the best kept secret in Mexico. The finger so far points to one of the three candidates proposed to Sheinbaum by the current general secretary. Luis Crescencio Sandoval: Undersecretary Gabriel García Rincón, the director of the National Defense College, Andrés Fernando Aguirre O. Zunza, and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Ricardo Trevilla.


1. FOR THE RECORD. The 66th Legislature of the Congress of the Union has already been formed and will be installed and begin ordinary sessions within a week: Morena with 236 seats, the Green Party (which has become the second national political force) 77, the PAN (which moves to third place) 72, the PT 51, the PRI (which moves to fifth place) 35, Movimiento Ciudadano 27, PRD one and one independent deputy. Morena, Verde and PT, as a coalition, total 360 seats, twenty-six more than the 334 required to have the qualified majority that would allow them to reform the Constitution on their own. The PAN-PRI-PRD coalition totals 108 seats.

2. IN THE SENATE Morena was left with 60 seats, PAN with 22, the PRI with 16, the Green Party with 14, the PT with nine, MC with five and the PRD with two. The Morena-VERDE-PT coalition has 83 seats. It is three short of achieving the qualified majority required to reform the Constitution. The PAN-PRI-PRD coalition has a total of 40 seats.

3. THE VOTING. The designation of plurinominal seats for the Congress and, therefore, the final composition of the LXVI Legislature that gives Morena and allies the qualified majority (if it is ruled against the citizen lawsuit filed yesterday by the former presidential candidate) Xochitl Galvez before the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation) was approved yesterday in the general council of the INE by seven votes to four. Those who voted against are: Claudia Zavalacouncilor from 2018 to 2027; Dania Ravel, councilor from 2017 to 2026; Martín Faz, councilor from 2020 to 2029; and Jaime Rivera, councilor from 2017 to 2026. Those who voted in favor are: Guadalupe Taddeicouncillor from 2023 to 2032; Carla Humphrey, councillor from 2020 to 2029; Norma Irene de la Cruz, councillor from 2020 to 2029; Uuc-kib Espadas, councillor from 2020 to 2029; Arturo Castillocouncilor from 2023 to 2032; Jorge Montaño, councilor from 2023 to 2032, and Rita Bell, councilor from 2023 to 2032. The term of each of these positions will change, as everything indicates, because the qualified majority of Morena and allies outlines the replacement of the INE by the National Institute of Elections and Consultations (INEC) which will have seven electoral councillors instead of eleven, who will be elected by popular vote.

4. YEAR OF HIDALGO. We are told that the Administrative Verification Institute of the CDMX It’s the middle of the year Hidalgo closing down all the premises and buildings in order and obviously, those that are not in order. But the worst thing is what they do with the reconstruction works that were authorized to help the victims of the earthquake in 2017An example is the closure of the building located in the Amsterdam street of the Hipódromo Condesa neighborhood, because they were missing the approval of the conservation area. And the fact is that the inspectors are instructed to be difficult with practically impossible conditions. What will the elected head of government think about this? Clara BrugadaCould it be the work of those who already know that they will have no place in the new capital administration and that is why they are in Hidalgo year mode?

5. TO PAINT FACADES. With an investment of 857.4 million of pesos the program was launched Let’s paint together Acapulco. Its objective: to paint the facades of more than 300 thousand homes in the port and Coyuca de Benítez affected by the Hurricane Otis. This project also includes the creation of murals. The residents of both Guerrero municipalities will participate in it with the support of the Nation’s Servants and the beneficiaries of Young People Building the Future. The governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, and the secretaries of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde, and of Welfare, were present at the start. Ariadna Montiel.

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