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White March in Conflans, gatherings in Ile-de-France… tributes to Samuel Paty continue

Ile-de-France residents will have the opportunity to show their support and their emotion after the beheading of Samuel Paty, a college teacher beheaded in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine on October 16 for showing his students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

Many rallies and marches are being held this Tuesday, or even this Wednesday, the day of the national tribute paid by Emmanuel Macron, which will take place at the Sorbonne.

In the Yvelines

A whole city behind Samuel Paty. This Tuesday evening, in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a white march is organized. Participants will leave at 6.30 p.m. from the college in Bois-d’Aulne, where the victim was teaching, to reach the Place de la Liberté. The municipality, which has set up a register for condolence messages at the reception of the Town Hall, “asks motorists to avoid the area from 5.30 p.m. and not to park on the Place de la Liberté. “.

Despite the rain, many people should be there given the emotion aroused by the death of the teacher, beheaded by Abdoullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old terrorist. Since Saturday morning, residents have paraded in front of the college to lay a wreath, messages or simply collect their thoughts.

In the Hauts-de-Seine

This Tuesday, the municipality of Bagneux invites a rally at 6 p.m. in front of the town hall. That of Colombes also announces a minute of silence on the square of the town hall, at 6.30 p.m. This tribute will be broadcast on the Facebook page of the municipality to take into account the health situation. A guest book is also available in the hall of the town hall to collect the tributes and testimonies of Colombians.

Wednesday, a minute of silence will take place at noon at Levallois-Perret, in front of the Louis-Blériot college, in the presence of representatives of all religions. Among which Ali Essekbi, president of the Union of Muslims of Levallois (UML), who sent a letter on Saturday morning to Agnès Pottier-Dumas, the mayor (LR) of the city, who, like most of the other municipalities des Hauts-de-Seine, put its flags at half mast. For its part, the departmental council will invite in particular a minute of silence in its premises and its logo will pass in the colors of mourning on social networks. This Wednesday, other gatherings are planned, in particular at Châtillon (6 p.m., in front of Marcel-Doret school, with broadcast on Facebook) and Courbevoie (at noon, in front of the town hall). AT Chaville, a tribute will be paid at 11:30 am, on the forecourt of the town hall. A minute of silence will be observed during the rally in Montrouge Wednesday at 6 p.m. in front of the town hall. AT Vaucresson, a Republican rally will take place this Wednesday at noon on the forecourt of the Yves-du-Manoir college

A Gennevilliers, Patrice Leclerc, the mayor (PCF) made public the letter he wrote with Délia Toumi, deputy mayor in charge of school matters, to show the support of his municipality to teachers and heads of schools. This Wednesday, the elected official planned to lay a wreath of flowers, in the company of the deputy Elsa Faucillon (PCF) at the commemorative monument of the Resistance in tribute to Samuel Paty.

In Nanterre, About 130 people gathered on Monday at noon, in front of the town hall square. AT Boulogne-Billancourt, Mayor Pierre-Christophe Baguet unveiled two banners “#JeSuisEnseignant” and “#jedefendslalibertedexpression” on the facade of the town hall and a minute of silence was observed on Monday afternoon. “A new tribute will be organized on return from school holidays with the educational community”, announces the city on social networks.

In the Val-de-Marne

The 44,000 daily motorists on the N6 at Villeneuve-Saint-Georges as well as the many users of the station will not be able to miss it. Since Tuesday morning, the town hall which runs along the national road has displayed a giant portrait of Samuel Paty on its facade, facing the RER D station. “I am bruised and outraged by this terrorist assassination, as a citizen, a college professor during 35 years old and staunch defender of secularism, confides Philippe Gaudin (DVD), the mayor of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. Evil has been allowed to settle inside our country under the pretext of living together. “

A giant portrait of Samuel Paty has been displayed since Wednesday on the facade of the town hall of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. LP / Marine Legrand

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