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White House “Approach to China, Communicating and Coordinating with Alliance”

Biden seems to have asked Putin to release Navalni

-The White House announced that it will communicate and coordinate with the alliance over policies toward China, such as establishing relations with China in the future.

White House spokesman Jen Saki said in a briefing broadcasted on YouTube’s official account on the 29th (local time), “focusing on a favorable approach” to questions related to China. It means to tune in.”

“The National Security Team, the newly approved Secretary of State, and President Joe Biden are all reviewing all aspects of national security, including relations with China,” Saki said about the phase 1 trade agreement with China signed during the Donald Trump administration. Explained.

He said that the Biden administration is looking for the best path to a series of strategic and security issues as well as economics in China’s policy. “Everything is under consideration. But (today) there is nothing more to say about relations with China.” The inquiry also raised a question about Alexei Navalni, a Russian anti-Putin activist who was attempted to poison last summer. President Biden’s call with President Vladimir Putin on the attempt to poison Navalni has not taken action. Saki said, “President (Biden) spoke with Putin earlier this week,” the Kremlin Palace said. He emphasized that he had expressed concerns about the actions of Navalni and Russia against Navalni. He added, “The national security team is under review (on the Navalni incident). This includes attempts to poison Navalni and hack into Solarwinds. I said. President Putin’s theory of responsibility for’poisoning attempts’ avoided an immediate reply, saying, “I think there will be more to say about him at some point.”

Saki also responded “yes” to the question of whether President Biden requested the release of Navalni during a call with President Putin. However, when asked if President Putin promised to release Navalni, he spared the words “I have nothing to read about the answer.”


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