Usually associated Immune system strength With the diet, everything we eat affects our immunity significantly and clearly, so doctors always recommend eating healthy foods to obtain the vitamins, meanings and elements that the body needs in order for the immune system to regain its strength. – And according to bensnaturalhealth, white foods are best Foods that strengthen immunity And it protects the body from diseases, so we offer you the best 5 types of white collars that you should include in your diet. – 1- Onions It contains powerful antioxidants that prevent the common cold and protect the body from infection- 2- the Garlic Weathered on Allicin and quercetin are both anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune system stimulants– 3- Cauliflower It contains a substance called thiosanate, which is a strong anti-cancer agent- 5- Yogurt : It provides the body with about 35 percent of its daily calcium needs, and has friendly bacteria for the stomach, and it helps in strengthening immunity. —
White foods are the secret of the strength of the immune system .. Here are the 5 strongest types
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