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White farmers killed two African women and fed their bodies to pigs.


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Two black women were shot dead by white farmers and thrown into a pigsty to be eaten by pigs because they were collecting expired food on a farm in Limpopo.

South African police have arrested two white farmers and their assistant on suspicion of murdering two women from Limpopo who, accompanied by the husband of one of them, were collecting expired yoghurt from the garbage.

According to Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi, spokesman for the South African National Prosecuting Authority, the two farmers had long threatened to shoot any resident of a nearby village who trespassed on their farm.

“The accused fired several shots at three people, killing two women and wounding a man who survived and crawled to the main road, received first aid and was then taken to hospital,” Malabi-Dzhangi described the incident.

After the murder, the farmers called their employee, who helped them take the body and throw it into the pigsty. The pigs ate a large part of the body of one of the murdered women before the police arrived.

She was summoned a few days after the murder by the brother of one of the murdered women, who, concerned about her long absence, began his own investigation.

“I went to a farm 10 km from our house and asked the workers if they had seen my sister, and they said they were not at work. I asked a shopkeeper next door, and he told me he had heard gunshots last night. I asked a worker who was feeding the pigs if he had seen a dead body, and he said no,” the man told prosecutors.

“We have lost, my sister’s children are now orphans and I will have to take care of them, I need help and I want these farm owners to be denied bail. I don’t want to see them free,” said a relative of the murdered woman.

The murder quickly became a political issue in South Africa, with the radical South African Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) calling on the state to seize the farm where the murder took place and use it for the good of the community.

“Unfortunately, such incidents continue to occur because the perpetrators do not receive a severe punishment that would deter them from behaving worse than animals. Racists still believe that other races do not matter,” party spokesman Jacob Lebogo said on Tuesday.

This Friday, three people accused of murder and attempted murder will appear in court.

Tadeusz Brzozowski

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