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white collar workers take up the gauntlet

“To touch without being touched…” Fans remember this very well: Kader Benzinia, multiple world champion in kickboxing and a great ambassador of the noble art, is a stylist. The Jovicien has always advocated boxing in motion, made of dodging, small side steps, rotations of the bust. His taste for travel is reflected in the organization of the Knock Out charity boxing gala. The event is approaching its 4e editing. And it resembles, feature for feature, its founder, an airy and distinguished pugilist.

After the famous Brauerei des Rives de Clausen brewery and a hook on a barge departing from Remich, Kader has this time decided to put boxing in a box. Literally, even. Next Thursday, April 27, the Gotham dance floor, Luxembourg’s trendy nightclub, will host the Knock Out ring. The ideal scene to shatter the clichés: “The world of the night, of boxing… Some narrow minds will see a story of violence there. The values ​​that we convey are totally the opposite of that”, balances the organizer with the extension that characterizes him.

“In ordinary times, it takes years of practice to achieve this type of meeting”

As a reminder, Knock Out is primarily aimed at business leaders, executives and other employees in Luxembourg and the greater region. White-collar workers invited to measure the thickness of their leather after express training provided by Kader Benzinia himself. In less than two months, this maker of boxers promises to offer the perfect fighter’s panoply to these inexperienced applicants. Classes are given under the roof of the Le Loft fitness center in Thionville as well as at Fitness Zone in Luxembourg. Finally, for the purists, for those who want to feel the original boxing, the apprenticeship will continue in the premises of the Fight Club of Jœuf.

“I train all the participants, which makes it possible to put people of an equivalent level face to face. Another reassuring fact: the gala, placed under the aegis of the Luxembourg Federation, is supervised by officials. Women fighters are of course invited to participate in this great show which shakes up codes and received ideas. “There will be people in the audience, a musical entrance, spotlights… Ordinarily, it takes years of practice for a boxer to reach this type of meeting. There, in two months, we speed up time! »

Stress management, adrenaline rush, limits pushed to a frontier never before reached: words of participants, “we come out stronger from a passage between the ropes”. And you come out more human, too. Part of the evening’s proceeds will go to the association Un Espoir pour Yanis, committed to the fight against forms of rare diseases. A noble cause that fits well with the values ​​of noble art.

Information on the website www.knockout.lu. Such. 06 73 39 88 56.

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