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While waiting for the pope, the bishops in Slovakia call to remember the legacy of the Christian past

The Slovak bishops call on the faithful of their country to prepare spiritually for the pope’s visit, which will take place from 12 to 15 September. On Sunday, July 18, the bishops issued a pastoral letter reminding them that 18 years have passed since the pope’s last visit to the country. During this time, generations have managed to change, society is developing faster and faster.

Inese Steinerte – Vatican

The bishops call for a rethink of what Slovakia has really become today. What do we want tomorrow? To begin the process of reflection, the shepherds of the Church offer some facts to follow. They write: “We are a land proud of our ancient Christian roots, rooted in the preaching of Saints Cyril and Methodius. We are a land that spiritually unites the West and the East in the Latin and Byzantine community. The first preachers of the faith, communicators and consolidators of the language, revival personalities, missionaries, martyrs, dissidents … all these people belong to the Church in Slovakia, just as they belong to the Slovak people. Without the Catholic Church, our history would not be like this. St. John Paul II reminded us of this during his visits.

At the same time, we are a land where the Orthodox Church and ecclesiastical communities born after the Reformation also have a place and a spiritual role. We are a land whose spiritual tradition also includes the ancient Jewish community. And a land where there is also a secular part without confessional affiliation, which tries to bring its contribution to the society and share the common good. Pope Francis will address the entire community of these people. ”

Bishops call for a better acquaintance with Pope Francis’ magic. They invite you to read the scriptures, to meet Jesus in the gospel, to read as you choose, or to read some of Francis’ teachings. The bishops highlight the letter “Patris corde” about St. Joseph and call for reflection on the role of the Virgin Mary, the celestial guardian of Slovakia, who is revered as “Mother of Seven Sorrows” in popular piety. Every year on September 15 there is a traditional pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine. This year, the Pope will also come to the shrine.

“Let us receive the Pope with joy,” the shepherds of the Church call the believers, “and listen carefully to his words with the spiritual preparation due to the Holy Father. Not only because he is a popular pope, but also because he is the successor of St. Peter in the modern age. He is the rock on which Christ built His Church, which the gates of hell will not overcome. For in the long list of Peter’s descendants today he is the one who continues the task of “strengthening the brethren by faith” (cf. Lk 22:23). This strengthening and deepening of our faith is very much needed today. Let’s not be superficial!

We are already glad that this visit and the encouragement of the Holy Father will be able to pull us out of a whole series of hard news, from fatigue, from distrust, from retreat. May the Holy Father help us not only to give up, but also to put an end to all meaningless contradictions, to give us the strength to overcome worries, to unite the whole of society, to unite with one another, but above all, to turn our attention to the One and Trinity God, the Father. , The Son and the Holy Spirit, and the values ​​of the gospel, the Good News, which must belong to all men. ”

At the end of the pastoral letter, the Slovak bishops give their blessing and announce that the intentions of the Pope as a sign of communion with Peter’s successor, the Church in Slovakia as a sign of responsibility to their country and the world as a sign of evangelical solidarity have been published on the website.

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