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“Which was a little creepy…”: Joyce Jonathan looks back on her history with Thomas Hollande

Host of the show from Jordan, broadcast on Tele-leisure Sunday November 20, Joyce Jonathan referred to his old love story with Tommaso Holland, which lasted two years. First off, the 33-year-old singer-songwriter clarified that their relationship didn’t end badly in 2014, and that their relationship is “still quite healthy”, as with his other former comrades. “We kept in touch”explained the one who had to face the media coverage of her couple.

“We got a little paparazzi when we went for lunch on vacation […]but it is true that the slightly disturbing thing is that at times I felt more like Thomas Hollande’s girlfriend than a singer”, said Joyce Jonathan. And reveal that it was all “a bit painful” to live every day. It must be said that the artist was already practicing his artistic profession “for a few years” before meeting her ex-boyfriend and in-laws, who were also “very nice” with her. “After that, I take things into consideration and not take it too personally… But still, a while ago, when I was going to promote my new record, I didn’t want people talking to me, 90% of the time, about my boyfriend.”developed the young mother.

>> PHOTO – Like Joyce Jonathan and Gabriel Attal, these former stars have remained friends

A love story lived almost “through the eyes of others”

Looking back, Joyce Jonathan has found “bizarre” that her love story with the son of the former President of the Republic is being analyzed and scrutinized by strangers: “It was also the first time that I happened to see my couple in the eyes of others, in the media, in photos and that was special. I didn’t like it too much”. This sentimental experience must have at least pushed her, today, to “Protect much more [s]private life”.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Télé-Loisirs screen capture

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